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This one was a bit wild but was still pretty fun there was a lot to do and see but made for a nice and fun games the medals are notbad but could use even more maybe even more random ones, Infact this was pretty spectacular and divine in a certain way You have done an outstanding job here, So in my opinion it was notbad and I like the wildness of it all was just fun and fresh



Hey thats decent, another sounboard ha, sounds came in clear enough, and made me chuckle just abit, maybe add some color to it with some clips from the show like in the backround or somthing, anyways nice board...


Nice game

That was a cool game, its has a rocket kinda like some other games i play, and its a side scroller so notbad at all, and the backrounds came off very cool very good art style there, maybe give some more options for him to do like maybe even have a ship for him to maybe once in awhile fly, anyways nice job



That was very cool, a very realistic to the real thing, started to get abit laggy but i found it to be fun, just the right colors and the audio was just the perfect fit, also great job on the characters and backround props, an all around decent demo, keep it up



Well that was interesting, the WOW music was great, but i would say it had alot of text options, and needed more imgaes to make a more impact experience on newgrounds, kinda neat though, just needs more


Wow nice

I have to say the mechanics and the idea of the game was very nice and right off the bat was a lil hard and or tricky but that made it fun So first off this was a decent representation of your ideas and fun you put into this You have established a good submission here, Keeping the pixels in the area was nice but not easy and had some nice graphics too this entry is goodd with a good vibe and positive attitude and good dorection you really have brought out the good in this, The whole game was fun and had some good jamming music


blit-blat responds:

Thanks, glad you liked it! And thank for saying the graphics are nice! This is one of the games I made all the graphics for myself (as opposed to working with a dedicated artist!).

Pong and more pong

Its a nice version here there has to be a way to stop music maybe even have a feature to change up the music and such A fun pong game I tend to see a lot of these pong games but you really bring out some nice elements and how the classic pong game can be different in its own way but I found this version of the pong game to be a fun one and sometimes addictive



I like how its a simple game but would be nice with even more interactivity maybe even some more acheivments this entry is good with a good vibe and positive attitude, so nice and fun game here


Pong game

Its a decent pong game but the ball seems to glich off at times A fun pong game here straight outta the classic form and bringing us some of that fun and entertaining pong you have pushed this little pong game here for us and I have to tell you it's a nice and nifty it's nice to see the pong game of yesterday to come a live today and with a twist of energy, anyways nice pong game



Another fun and simple game the art style is really nice so props to you on the art detail, the game is simple and I think more medal acheivments would improve on this but overall I had some fun here


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