
11,872 Game Reviews

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Fun game, just like the real thing this was fun just like the game show and you gave it a new twist with the whole sonic theme, good layout design as well, and it played well all the way up the bar, so nice game design


Fun game Here is a fun game, the 3d style is neat, but the game itself is neat and i had fun with it, very nice job on this, keep up the good work Maybe a new version with different style cars


Stairway to Heaven was actually pretty fun and while its not hard at all it was pretty creative and some nice medals too enjoyed the achievments, Nice visuals but you picked a good theme and overall the game itself was pretty fun so nice job, so fun game great work once again


I didnt fair to well vs the staff lol but it was a cute fighter game and some good music too, the controls are very nice and very smooth respond well, You bring this wonderful game a life with a style all on its own it is fun and unique and you show off some nice game skills, so nice work and a fun fighting game


Interesting game but when those things fall off the grid is gets a little ugg lol, Its a fun game but really does get hard, that's what I liked about this particular game but regardless I had fun with it it was fresh and different but for sure gets harder as you go along


Fun game here I liked this, not just because it had some nice graphics but because it was fun, i played it a few times, the drops come down too slow though so you may want to speed them up abit


Fun This was fun especialy with the whle swatting, i also say god job on not just having it a swatting game but actuall having more to it like at the start, i had fun with this one. keep up the decent flash work Maybe some brighter color as it looked abit dark at times


This was fun I actually liked this one, it was fun i got to the armigeddon question but really liked the quizz one of the few quizz games i do like on here anyways nice work Add some sleeker looking buttons


Nice work on this game especially the story element that was very nice indeed, There seems to be some lag on this one though, Game seem somewhat easy and easy to obtain the medals maybe adding in some harder elements would be my suggestion anyways nice game


VictorGrunn responds:

Hey, thank you. Glad you got some enjoyment out of it!

This was a rather cute and refreshing game, The clay characters are something interesting too The game itself does seem kind of easy but still does make for a fun game the art style is pretty nice, but anyways good game here I enjoyed it


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