
11,872 Game Reviews

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This was a tricky little game here I like the style but takes a good bit of time to understand the graphics are simple and fun though, A fun game at the end of the day so nice work, good effort here for this game and It was a blessing to have found this one


Unique and nifty with this sound board and cant go wrong with Duke Nukem mini soundboard, Well this was a unique and nifty design for the soundboard and did think the board itself was pretty nifty you gave us some fun with this particular soundboard


Nifty and unique MAD TV Darrel Soundboard very nice indeed, I found this soundboard to be a nifty and unique one with the type of board it is some nifty sound elements that you bring to the table on this one and it's a fun board as they can be simple but fun


Simple and fun the controls are very different then normal but maybe that was the intent lol, Its a fun lil game and entertaining you have some nice concept here and the music was nice and fitting a cute game indeed so nice job on this game


Well this was like a new twist on angry birds here but I like the whole death and skulls here and has some small story too, I like this game submission of the pull back type, But anyways it was a fun game type here keep it up, Nice and simple graphics fun gameplay


A fun action shooter here I like the bonus with the slot machine here, And the music is very nice but overall I had some fun with this game and was very fun and entertaining, You have some good focus and you elaborate very well with this one so props are in order


A nice pikachu version lol A classic of a pong game here some nice game time with this old classic but I like that you presented something with still something fun and a classic element of this old game, you really know how to keep it fun


The concept of pong for two is nice Well its always fun to find a fun old classic as you have presented here even with any new twists and turns on this pong like game and it can still be the classic but its nice to see it rise once again with the fun gameplay


Well its ok, but seemed a bit sloppy with the scratch outs, and you would be better off with the buttons on the same page as the questions, and this is a fun game but needs a fresher and sleeker design its just very sloppy and poor effort, but for the fun of it it is fun, so not bad


Haha ok this was funny made me laugh, the character is cool looking but could use some more color to him and all, aswell as more shading, as for the backrounds they are cool and i was impressed, good color and looking like a city, the story well notbad, it is funny so props to you on the humor area


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