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Harlem Barber this one was interesting lol this harlem soundboard was a nice one and like the sound variety of this, I like how this looks and easy to understand the interaction is smooth and not confusing so nice job on this game here


So this was a fun one the attack punches are notbad the moving and jumping the attacks lag up when crowded with multple charcaters, I love the flash files floating into the portal just like the old banner game, anyways nice pico game here it was fun


Well this was different for sure its unique was simple after a bit but at first hard to figure out the color and graphics are some simple idea but still a fun game, So my Impression on this one has a good outlook to it very well presented well enough to understand it all so nice job here


Nice soundboard Not sure who Jason the Hillbilly is but this was notbad, So this one here was a nice soundboard here these types of games with buttons and sounds are always something nifty and the theme of it is always interesting and unique


Unique soundboard with the Spanish inquisitor theme here A unique soundboard you have created I did like that you pushed it a little different so nice job and a decent look and sound I like the interface it's different and has a decent style about it


Good stuff Haha ok not bad, it was neat and a cool idea, I would suggest more tuts with this, cause it seems sort of just simple, but with more it would be better, maybe something like a ng character tut, anyways it was neat to see, maybe a bit more in-depth next time but overall not bad


Entertaining This was fun, the first place i bombed was Canada hahahaha, no but really fun game and with each area it was always something funny, the art for the characters was decent, kind of funny now that I think of it, good game with a lot of options, and good music choice which fit the different areas well, fun game, keep it up


Great work this was very cool, I liked it for the effects and must have some great scripting very nice work, and it was funny, almost reminds me of fear factor anyways good stuff love the effects and the sharp look of it, great use of flash skills good game, But I do like the idea here


Nice soundboard and with the top gear sound board its some good content You have a nice soundboard here I really like how you pushed some sound ideas into this and making it a more complete some nifty soundwork and it being a soundboard is notbad


Well this was interesting soundboard but did seem underwelming you added onto a nice element here and added in your own vibe on this soundboard but at the same time could use even more on this one, overall fun and simple again just needs much more


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