
11,872 Game Reviews

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((( DECENT )))

Ok well notbad, im a fan of thease type of games have a few myself, it was goos work, your first game well its a good start, nice amount of items, also like the knife with blood, maybe get some animated items they seem to be cool, and i like that you have music on this dress-up as most dont, and who is mike hehe anyways great job...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A good dress-up, but who is mike...


IrMyke responds:

haha thanks ...well..Mike would be me...i unno im an amateur flash artist i guess..meaning im not great ..but yeah im making a flash site thingy so yeah

((( WOW )))

Wow great action scripting, cause to beable to get a game like this on flash is just awsome, great scrolling, the game was not laggy at all, the game play was nice and smooth, maybe make the shooting a key all by itself, art was of high quality stuff, sounds was clear and crisp, overall this was just a test but it was still awsome great work...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A test of a great game...


BlasterMaster responds:

man, if there were more people out there like you, it would be a-lot-better world!

thanks for the comments. What you just said is the EXACT reason I find time to make my flash movies. I'll be sure to try really hard to continue the game and finish it. Thanks man, it feels good!


hmmm kinda different from the normal around here, its different kinda game to play, but still fun, small window size, maybe add some music choice, it entertaining. entertaining game.


((( DECENT )))

Good game, even if it is sticks, nice controll set up, abit confusing at first with all the button choices, but still ok, i saw whack jacko in there yikes, nice respnce on the fights, nice work indeed, keep it up...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A decent fight game...



Nice work, great interactive game, i like the controlls the best, they are easy to understand and the respnd very well to what i want, great sounds, like the punching clear and crisp, artwork was wow very smooth, great fighting game with crisp images...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A great fighting game...


((( LOL )))

Ha thats funny, i like the game cause i loved playing this in school with friends, nice action scripting, wish i knew how to do that, the words are abit easy but then again not, maybe add some music, and nice hang hehe...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A classic game never grows old...


((( DECENT )))

Ok well notbad, it has a decent amount of items, i also like it cause its different and not some plain ol porn or car, it has style and flavor, maybe and a backround selection and a music selection, the batman and spiderman outfits are my favorites, keep up the good work...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A fun and entertaining dress-up...


((( COOL )))

Nice dress-up, i like the large amount of items you offer, now what could make it even better would be some backround and music selections, nice items though...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A fun dress-up...


((( COOL )))

Cool game nice play, it gets abit fast and then game over heh notbad, good game play, maybe some music selection would be cool...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Fun fast game...


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