Notbad at all on this its like a story here and some good music behind this one so awesome job here
Notbad at all on this its like a story here and some good music behind this one so awesome job here
Thank you!
Collaboration pieces like this are pretty good and you bring the voice work on this very nice sound
Thank you!
Some nice music here love the pop in and out it has some really good vibe
Thank you for listening, im glad that you liked it :)
Another nice solo some good words and vocals here again some added background would be good
Music always does make these things even better... thanks though!
This one could have used some of that background music to really drive it some nice vocals on this
I concur! Alas, time and travel time...
You really have thus stuff down and love how you bring it together this one was short though
Thanks man. :) Short but.. gold? As they may say...
You have a unique voice here every thought about taking it big-time regardless this was very good and more great jamming
Mmm I'd need to cure my stage fright for real then... it works well like this though!
Appreciate it!
I like this one with fast pace speed on this one as always some great jams and good quality
Thank you!
Some more great jams on this one this was pretty nice very nice sound here and great jamming
Thank you! And I think I'm all caught up with these finally... thanks for the crazy string of summer reviews man! Fun to see you getting to these newer ones also.
Wow very nice indeed the vocals are great and the music plays so well with this very nice work and sound keep up the amazing music you bring us and grace us with even more
Thank you!!!! I appreciate the compliments
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