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awesome! sounded great. id looove to hear more. i wouldnt be surprised if i heard this song somewhere else eventually.

cazok responds:

I certainly would ! (in a good way)

haha wow

seriously nice. this song makes me cry not. losing someone close sucks.... i give you a 10. keep it up. :_)

ErikMcClure responds:

Thanks! :D

ah hehe <.<

nice lyrics. hehe. and everything else was decent. i give you a 9. coulda been a bit better. but hey. i wanna hear more!!!

pookicker responds:

Thanks! Trust me, I wanted to make it better but, I lost the whole project. This one was supposed to be my "best"... then I erased it.

very nice

nice job. done really well. i enjoyed it. ive listened to it over and over lmao. well here ya go! a 10. i wanna listen to more. :)

HouseMasta responds:

haha im glad you like it so much! you can DL it if you wish too, that way you will always have it!

Nice fast beat

Very nice fast beat and and i can hear the yoshi style in there a good mix of the yoshi likeness, its a catchy little tune which i would love to see in some flash anyways nice job.

Cute and catchy


technime responds:

Hey thanks ( I'll try to make a flash game with this demo )
Still working on it... >w<

Strange but neat

Interesting and abit strange but it was cool, you seem to have added afew mixes in there which was nice, so nice work on this one, and keep up the decent tunes.

Great stuff even if odd.


misterscoops responds:

Your avatar reminds me of a friend I used to have with no nose or ears. He said he was going to be an accountant, because numbers were the only thing that made him forget that god never gives souls to victims of deformity. Personally, I would just find a better god and get on with my life.

Very nice

This was abit dark but it was cool like that, but then it changes to more easy going which i like wow im impressed this wa snormally a 7 but im bumping it up to a 9, nice work here.

Nice tune


ProfessorMordarm responds:

Thanks for the honest review there. I don't mind the numbers; I just like making music for people to enjoy. Thank you! ^_^

Interesting tune

Kinda neat with this one, it could use another mix in there though, its unique and differant and could use some sharpening up, anyways nice job,

Keep up the good work


rrool responds:

i know is kind of lame in some points but i was thinking in making something different.


This was decent good sounds maybe raise the volume somewhat but for the mostpart it was neat, good job

Nice audio


BrokeAssassin responds:

Great, thaks for the revieuw.. I'll see if I can normalize the vol. spikes, and then normalize the full song. I'll have that sorted out in the final version.
( I think next week)

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