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nice gaps

This was notbad, i liked the gaps that held the song for a second then continued on, kinda gave it a good feel for what was next, it was a slow to med fast paced song that was ok, nice job though, maybe add some more mixes in the backround to give it that faster feel

It needs a faster feel add some other mixes of sounds, as explained above


shesmackshard responds:

House is 128 BPM standard. This is not a good suggestion, its all personal preference. Thanks though

nice track

This was actually pretty good i thought, it was a good melody, with no reall bad points, the sound could be turned up somewhat i thought, this is the type of music i could see in a sonic or fast paced flash game, also the size was abit much but not as bad as some

Turn the sound quality up abit, and maybe lower the file size if you can


dj-Jo responds:

Okay, I have been expiramenting with "EQing" and "Mastering" with this song and the song submitted before this one :D
Thanks for commenting about it.
It's kinda weird on the way I master things
Well, for this song, I lowered the song's volume to were it doesn't started to crakel and distort. But it seems that I may have lowered the volume down a little much.
And for the file size? Sorry bout that, forgot to lower the settings from another project I was doing lol

Next time, I'll try to expirement for on mastering to see if I can get a loud and firm, but not distortion-ney sound. In all, a solid, near professional sound :D

Thanks for stopping by and reviewing

PS I will try to reupload a lower size version of the song, or maybe even a fully redone and mastered song later.

Its kickin

Hmm notbad at all its a kickin sound, there seemed to be some pauses i think you should let it run as is though so theres no gaps it will in my opinion ofcourse make it more of a whole track then gaping every now and then but i do like it, so keep up the decent work

Remove the gaps before it starts up everytime


fast but i like it

Fantastic with this track. Fast very fast but it was good that way and the background sounds seemed to work. Love the fast feel so nice job

Try and increase the background sounds


nice tune

This was awesome great tune just it needs some compression. But other then that its pretty great stuff it rough but that's what it should be. Anyways keep up the awesome tracks. Untilled next time good luck

Compress abut



Fantastic audio here now ofcourse it does need some cleaning up but this is pretty good stuff it has a great sound. Hope to hear more stuff soon

You could work on some sharper sounds and some compression would also help


wilb0b responds:

yeah :/ i made a revision but never posted it! lol

amazing piece

Wow this was an amazing track you got and it did have happy all over it. Very soathing to the ears. Maybe take it up a notch in the middle then back down for some variaty

Its good butt needs some variaty of sounds and raise the tempo agitation


its notbad

Well this was a pretty good track. I like your style here. You should make it state of with some ump. Its kinda bland there but it realty gets going. A nice track here. Love it

Give it more ump like I explained. And make it one jam packed puppy from the start


this was ok

This was really cool. The tune picks up and has a nice feel. Could be faster paced as it trails to the end. And maybe more of an impact ending but overall I really enjoyed this one

Add more impacting sounds mostly at the tail end like I said in review


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