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A nice lil loop

Well this is a nice little loop. i think its abit too short but its still ok, and it would be good for some flash of something about too happen, i think it could be turned up a notch maybe a few loder beats in there or something, for me it seemed too soft and too short on beats, so add some longer sounds some deeper beats and pump it up just abit, nice job though

Well as explained it needs more longer feel, louder and some more bounce in the beat nice short loop though


differant. i like

Now this was pretty differant. Great guitar sounds in here even some nice drums. You really made this one your own. And it shows. I wouldn't mind some more loudness with the drums

Try and give the drums more focus time


AxeEraz responds:

thanx man, i see what you mean and ill work on it.

it is happy

This is happy. And go lucky. Its not too much but its still there and has a nice rythem to it I like it. I would say it needs Anita more quality but its a OK with me

Do a quality check on this. Like for any scratchyness on its Michael sound


awsome beat.

Wow a nice beat and I really like how you have a number of instraments in here. Starts off nice and really changes up with a good mixture of sounds and to me that's what makes this whole track awesome. Anyways keep up the good work

Improve on this by ending it with the piano just like it started


sad but good

This is a fantastic piece. The keyboarding is really to notch. Great quality. The whole track has a nice feel that's soothing yet sad. But you have really got something good here

Awesome job. I would leave this as be


I like this one

Hmm you have something here, i like it as it started out but then it really kicked into gear, it picked up pace about the middle and really had a nice beat, i thought but not sure, thought i heard some scratchyness in the mic on some of the tones i could be wrong, just something for you to look into

Look into any static or scratchyness in some of the sounds


DavidRx responds:

hmm i dunno..i checked it manytimes...but i put a softcliper on the master...

but i rly dunno mabye its ure speakers :O

but thx anyways ^^,

Very nice sounds

Seems like you are on the right track with this one, good sounds and its all around a good feel as it stays with good quality from start to finish i like the mix of drums i think thats drums, it gives it that thump it needs

I would leave this and not really touch it as i was very pleased with this from the start


nice vocals

wow i really liked this, you have a few good number of stuff in here, the female vocals really got it down for me you dont hear that too much here and this version was preatty neat, so very nice job here i thought it was well rounded.

If it can be improved at all i would have more of the vovals with more timing to it


Mans0n responds:

thanks for the review bro

Notbad for what you started

This is notbad for what you started, seems exactly like what you stated in title kinda reminds me of something outta power rangers, its interesting, could use some more up beat sounds to match that even

More upbeat feel would be nice, more heavier sounds or something


Seems abit light

This was ok, the track itself seems like its on the light side, maybe you should have the sound quality turned up abit, maybe even have a more stronger jump in there like some drums or strong piano sound in there

Needs a stronger feel as so it has a more standout sound


aliaspharow responds:

Lol? Really sorry here, but I really can't agree... Thanks for the feedback anyhow!

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