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Interesting piece

Well this was an interesting piece herem what was that instrument? but anyways good piece here it was qwerky and cute, and quite pleasent.

The unique sounds is a key to what makes this right, so I would suggest pushing even more unique sounds.



This one was kind of slow but that was kind of interesting, I do think you can speed it up a tad, and add some fast touches to it, but other then that its alright.

The "VOLUME" quality seemed kind of low and the pace of the song was too slow.



This was kinda neat and reminds me of some sort of sci-fi theme, seems kind of long for over 5 min but I still liked this track, could be shorter though.

Shorten this up a tad or make it a longer loop of sorts.


Oh wow

And here we are with another good piece here, it was a good entry and glad i had a chance to check this one out, its a fan fave for me as soon as I started it, I enjoyed it right away so nice job on this one. This is one of the most UN-Disputably a great and unique piece. oh wow this was really nice, especially with what I think was a "VIOLIN" ? but not sure if it was I would suggest putting in more of that as it was great stuff, the whole track was pretty awsome. And as this tune comes to an end I must say it was pretty decent, not sure what to improve on it but I enjoyed this piece and really look forward to more of this style soon, anyways great work here. Not much more I can say, exceptihope to see more stuff like this.

So here we have something good, a decent audio I thought, some things could be changed for a better outcome, but ill just throw out some ideas and then you go with what you think is best. but for me I think some of these ideas can and will help, so think about it. Ad more of the violin or whatever the "STRING" was.


sadface-music responds:

I appreciate your review. It's above and beyond for you to do what you do seeing as most consumers of NG will download my work and move on without even a vote haha. See my latest upload for an update of this song since you enjoyed it. Its a different take on the style. Let me know which you prefer!

Another great track

Now this track was just an example of the quality you put in everyday, its a shame you are not contributing anymore but we do have all these other ones to enjoy.

Great flow here again no changes needed why fix something that is not broken.



Wow I must say that you really do love what you do with music and that shows in all of your pieces, especially this one, now I like this one for the softness of it all, and it seems to stay that way throughout the track.

I like this how you have it, no need for changes.



There was some good sounds in this one, there could be some areas to make it sound better but overall this was pretty solid and decent sound, I will look more into your work because you have some interesting vibes. you have some good Notable quality here I enjoyed this. My title of this review says powerful because thats exactly what it feels like and you really gave it that touch of a powerful song and theme, so I was highly impressed the variaty was great too. So with the whole tune in my head it was a good reliefe to finally finish it, I was generall pleased with this, right from the start with some good effects and a good touch of skills put into this and cant wait for more from you. And thats all I have to say at this point.

This had some good sound to it, I think you could do with a few adjustments so I have gone and suggested maybe one or two ideas, hope they help and they are just some basic ideas. So keep up with the improvment of this and hope that I can help once again. To ad onto that variaty and power theme i would bring in more deeper and stronger drums.


EagleGuard responds:

Cheers mate, thanks for the review! Glad you liked the piece as a whole; I'll definitely keep your suggestions in mind for future songs.

This is kind of the same

This is sort of the same theme at least as the prev one but again I still like this for what it brings to the table, lots of quality and good tunes.

I would really like to change this up so it doesnt sound like others ones so much, maybe more variaty.



Another nice piece, this one is really dark though but I guess thats ok some nice deep drums really set this one off and made it jump out at you, more drums would be nice.

More drums would be nice but adding more variaty of drums would be cool.


Oh Nice

Something of a unique taste here with this one, it was a good tune and could use some extra tid bits here and there but maybe something just a tad more differant even random. just try some new things, and let it flow. into something even more creative. Oh this was something nice, I love the soft feel this had aswell as the unique sounds you mixed in there making for a nice peice of work here, very pleasent. But I must say that this was pretty good tune I was enjoying it, there was no real negitive points except for a few basic stuff, but overall a decent track here. and so I end this here shortly, I would like to say you have outdone yourself in a unique way keep that up.

Here are some ideas that may work or may not work but you should try and work with some or if just one of the ideas, and if not then you are good to go, but anyways here is a possible idea.but do look into the possible ideas, I hope I may have helped just a tad. Adding more unique sounds and sound/fx


Pgtblink responds:

Hey thanks a l9t for the input! I always appreciate some contracture criticism and you've said it perfectly. I'm working on improving it and taking all things to consideration, so again thanks for taking the time to listen.

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