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So there seems to be some piano in there and its a nice subtle start and soon picks up the speed and builds up to a steady pace that right there alone was a very high quality element that you added and its a lovely tune not really needing much more but overall this was a nice piece.

some backround ambient sound/fx would be nice but maybe not needed.


Nice track

So this was pretty cool, you have a really nice "TRACK" here it seems kind of slow and you may want to think about speeding up the tempo on this it would be a plus on this track as a whole, you do have some good "QUALITY" on this though so keep up the nice work on this nice sound.

you may want to think about speeding up the tempo on this it would be a plus on this track as a whole


Wow nice

So this was "NICE" I love the build up on this seems like about "0:46" and other points you could really "DROP-IT" and build it up from there aswell just a small idea to think about, And here we are with another good piece here, it was a good entry and glad i had a chance to check this one out, its a fan fave for me as soon as I started it, I enjoyed it right away so nice job on this one. This is one of the most UN-Disputably a great and unique piece, Well there we have it a nice lil track here that has some nice elements about it, I can see this used in a number of flash movies and games.

seems like about "0:46" and other points you could really drop it and build it up from there aswell just a small idea to think about


This was nice

For something not so current you really did a nice "TUNE" here it seemed too straight forward though and could use much more mixture and twists along the way adding some other sounds into the mixture maybe even some fade outs and drops would be cool, anyways nice sound.

it seemed too straight forward though and could use much more mixture and twists along the way adding some other sounds into the mixture maybe even some fade outs and drop


Nice piano

So with this one I really like the piano stuff you really did push the limits on the piano but the issue I have here is that its too much of the "SAME" and I think you should throw in somefade out then build it up even more, that would really give it some depth maybe even start it off slow and build it up from there even.

Some build up and fade out is needed in this one.


Very nice build up

So first off those "VOICES" are really nice effect and make this darker so that was a nice touch you had there, for being five minutes it really does move fast but thats ok I enjoyed it and what I liked most of all on this piece was the build up very good build up here.

I would suggest ad even more voices in there just for that dark effect.


Very nice

This has a real "JAZZ" feel about it I think some fade outs would work great then bring that jazz like flavor up more intense, Alright so you have something good here, the sounds was differant, and I like the unique-ness of it, allthough there seemed to be something missing it was still a good start here. but keep a "GOOD-DIRECTION" and you will go long ways you already have some pretty decent stuff, And once again nice work here it was for sure one of those piece that sticks with you, and will make me want to see what else you can come out with.

This has a real jazzy feel about it I think some fade outs would work great then bring that jazz like flavor up more intense


Alyxandr responds:

Wow, thank you for the critique, dude!! What do you mean by adding "fade outs"? Is that a jazz term?

This song is meant to be the main title theme for a trivia app, so I wanted it to be spacious, subtle, and hard to determine "where you are in the song". That's why the song is made of a three-part phrase instead of a regular four-part phrase.

I could go back and improve it. I will use your advice in future songs!

Good quality

So there was some good "QUALITY" about this piece it does need twists and turns maybe a drop or two but I like the unique sound you have with this, You gave this one some Charm It was a very Compelling piece you have here in the portal, Notbad of a piece here it was interesting and the sounds are nice and well presented in a fun fashion, I had some fun with this piece. I am glad I was Rummaging in the portal on this day, Very deep style here and you really got this "REVIEWER" to enjoy this beat and track and love it so thanks for bringing the passion.

it does need twists and turns maybe a drop or two but I like the unique sound you have with this


Iosun responds:

did a fuckin ai write this
Regardless, thanks!

A nice track here

This was a very good track you have here a good vibe about this, I really like your style here the song was really good I think this could go a bit longer even it seemed very short but it could be longer, as for some form of improvement could be longer and thats about it, but anyways nice work indeed

make this longer.


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