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Awsome piece here and a combo artist one too some nice music great quality you make all the sounds work just right and make some beautiful sounds come together, love that you guys got together to make this beautiful piece of sound


A pleasent piece here with this one, I like how it just plays on through with a nice tone and balance of music really nice and refreshing on this one, You have some nice talents too and this was pretty nice so keep doing what you do


This has a nice unique sound with that jungle element but really nice soundwork and love the beat and mix of it all, Here we have a decent tune something is different about this tune then most and cant point it out but I guess that all comes hand in hand with making interesting music like this, The beats are nice in this and timed just right, so nice job on what you do have I wouldnt mind checking out more stuff soon, I love this piece especially with the deeper beats


KayozKun responds:

Thank you so much! More to come :)

This was something unique and that sound quality was interesting very different, Alright what can I say to start this off it had some nice audio some nice sounds and somewhat differant but it does show that you have put the effort forward and thats all that really matters, And I love that this is not short but has a nice energy and vibe about it, so anyways keep up the unique style I like it This track is disputably one of the most interesting I have heard in awhile, But anyways a nice flavour of energy here and very unique


Njol responds:

thank you for your kind words, beautiful review ❤️

Something different My take on this it has a nice vibe of energy and a nice talent of sound here you really know what you are doing and its a pleasure to review, You have a good track here it was interesting and sometimes it felt differant


Deep beat So this was a nice and deep beat but was also very short, Its this kind of style and sound that really draws me into these types because of the beat and rythem really has a nice quality about it, you bring on some unique sounds and wish this piece was somewhat longer and such, but besides all that mentioned keep making fun sounds they are interesting to review and listen too


Cyberdevil responds:

Thank you!

some nice beats and sound son this one it even has an 80's feel about it, And here was a cool tune at first I didnt know what to expect but soon after as the music really kicked in it was actually pretty good and I really took a liking to it, Its a good long tune but has some nice mixes here, so nice start to this as it shows lots of effort and a really interesting tune of sounds, You have the talent on this one and really liked the energy in this


X3LL3N responds:

Thanks a ton, I really appreciate it !

Some nice high end sounds in this one, This is a very notable entry and glad I was able to check this out I like the mixture here and you really bring out those unique sounds and all together it seems to come together just fine


The vocals on this are very beautiful including the backround music here, A fun theme you have here this was pretty interesting and I found this to be unique and some good quality about it so for that good job, Its a long tune here but really beautifuly done and smooth, This entry had a certain charm to it and thats what I think made me like this more then anything but I really do like this, So with all that mentioned a beautiful tune and some nice vocals to go with


ponyhafnium responds:

Thank you

Oh nice Now while this was another short one I still found this one to be pretty nice what instraments were used here? keyboard I am assuming, A nice sound you got going and you must love music with all the tracks you have made on here, this was right up there with some good beats and rythem sounds just wish you had some mixture and build up or even build down but regardless it was some nice stuff


Cyberdevil responds:

Synth and drums. :) Thanks again!

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