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A nice high energy piece here with some nice music here you have some talents and showcase it here you have a way with music and this was very nice and pleasent, Im not good on judging audio stuff but I must say that this was still some top notch stuff


Nice piece And here you have another fine piece I really enjoy the piano work in this one piano stuff is just so beautiful and you made it work well on this track, so for that alone very nice work indeed


Nice vibe So you bring on some nice vibe of this tune here starts off slow and builds up, You have a nice piece here presenting some interesting and unique vibes and keeps one interested even wanting more so nice effort on this track, Its nothing crazy but has a nice quality about it, Possibly the finest of the day sofar You have some nice results here with this piece you really kicked this one up a notch or two and thats what I liked about it all, So anyways keep up the good work and keed up the jamming


Different I have to say this one was not like your other pieces but was for sure on the different side and seems to have a wild mix about it, almost think it could use some lyrics to accent the wildness lol anyways nice work again


Oh very nice Now this one was very nice indeed, has a very robot or sci-fi feel to it and that's probably why I like it so much, you really made this feel like that type of elements not sure if that's what you were going for but its a nice piece indeed


Very nice sound here what instrament sound is this? it is beautiful regardless and you make some nice sounds and a nice ambient sound piece here, so great work and hope you make more like this awsome music piece


This was something different you have a nice synth sound on this one, So first off great job on this now it has a good start and I like the feel and sound of this its actually pretty good and I really took a liking to this, Really a unique sound for this cover piece, its not perfect but its pretty good, And to close this out I must say you ahve a good tune here not the most perfect piece but it was still interesting, And with all that said you have some beautiful sound in this unique piece


Some nice drum N bass here you can really hear the drums almost feel like you could have some more build up especially at the end but for the mostpart this was a nice tune indeed, really like the sound you bring here with this one


Love the piano in this piece Works well This one works out well has a nice rythem and beat and keeps flowing along with some nice sound and decent quality about it, still kind of short for me but still some good quality and the beat is nice on this, I really like your music and sound talents and seems like you really test a lot of things but for this one it was notbad at all some good sound indeed so keep it up


Very refreshing piece and the piano is nice, Nice track here it was giving me some interest in all that you have applied to it and there was some good effort heard in this one So now ill leave you with just a few more words, You bring a mix full of refreshing sounds here and you are talented with the piano atleast I think thats the piano lol, your sound is cool and nifty you have a nice mix and you gave it a uniqe touch, But as always keep making beautiful music as you have done here


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