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A cool sound of work here the "LYRICS" and sound on this is notbad I like the mixture of sound and lyrics I do think you should have more domminant vocals on it and the sound work could be more in the back end, but overall this was actually a nice piece hope to hear more soon.

I do think you should have more domminant vocals on it and the sound work could be more in the back end


Very nice

So I love the "QUALITY" you bring to this piece you really make for some nice sound and it really "DRIVES" with some deep sound and has an uplifting refreshing theme going on, Now as for some improvment changes not sure as this was some solid work I know I loved the sound here and hope you make more soon, An interesting vibe you have here but I have to say this did have me interested in this kind of mix, so nice effort here on this one, I will say that you have impressed me with all the detail of effort and energy that you put into this entry, but now that this one is comming to an end this was just a fantastic entry you have here, and cant wait to see what else you can make us here on the audio portal.

Now as for some improvment changes not sure as this was some solid work I know I loved the sound here and hope you make more soon


madboss responds:

Thanks a lot for your detalied review! Regarding my own work (including this) I'm usually aware that I'm not an "expert" on mixing / mastering - I don't have the equipment, nor the skilss, nor the interest to learn this field which demands huge knowledge and sense... So I try my best to produce acceptable sound. On the other hand, in terms of melody and song structure I think I did fine with this one, and I'm glad to see that it can achieve such impression in other people!

And stay tuned, I plan to submit my older trance pieces, so there could be other tracks, that you'll like!


So this was some amazing "WORK" I really like the how this starts off and even "FINISHES" you have some real quality here, I became an instant fan with this piece and it became one of my faves so thanks for making such a beautiful piece here, My advice here is just make more great stuff such as this one it was truly an amazing piece, and I look forward to more.

My advice here is just make more great stuff such as this one it was truly an amazing piece


Very nice work

So this was some "AMAZING" work, I like the drops and fade outs like you did with at "1:20 TO 2:20" but I thaught it went too long maybe shorten those gaps up just a tad, Another Notable and Compelling entry here, So you bring something extra here straigt to the front of the line with the interesting sounds and just kind of jumps out at you, I like the vibe this gives off and you really do put the effort into this one so nice work here on this one, keep at it. and keep making unique stuff such as you have here today, I like the vibe this gives off and you really do put the effort into this one so nice work here on this one, anyways nice work.

I like the drops and fade outs like you did with at "1:20 TO 2:20" but I thaught it went too long maybe shorten those gaps up just a tad


CineMaticx responds:

Thank you very much for your feedback, ill take a look at my project again and try to improve some your points. Thank you :D

Nice work

So you have something decent here I really like the "VIBE" on this and have to say for about "FOUR" plus minutes was pretty good, as for any kinds of improvment I dont know but you do have a solid piece of work here and very pleasent I enjoyed this piece here.

No changes I found it delightful just as is.


Love the sound

I love this sound you have here its "SLOW-AND-DEEP" and somewhat of a build up but I could see you "BUILDING" onto it with even more build up, This tune has a certain kick to it and it keeps the interest going pretty good, it shows that you have put in the effort and the work pays off and this could be one of your Finest and Immeasurable composed pieces some very nice Rhythm, So now and then its nice to find stuff like this and get that vibe that you pulled off here a great find if you ask me, very nice, indeed, and some Fascinating ideas that keep me Intrigued.

its slow and deep and somewhat of a build up but I could see you building onto it with even more build up



So this was pretty good I really like what you have prepared here it has some solid sound and it builds apon eachother making a better outcome at the end result so really nice job on this piece onlything I could change up on this might be to make it longer but overall this was a solid entry and hope you keep making fantastic pieces like this as it was a very unique piece

Maybe just make this longer


Nice and progressive

So this was a nice and progressive piece you have here it really builds on each sound and builds off of that you have a nice sound here that brings some great quality about it even some really nice sound I do think some added back end sound f/x would ad to this I believe but overall this was a nice audio entry so keep making this awesome pieces because they really do sound great and have a good sense of quality

Some added back end sounds


I like it

So I have to say you did well with this theme and I really like the original and you did mix it up a bit giving it some twists and turns not sure I would ad anything to this piece because you have done a wonderful job here and have done the original some justice aswell so nice job there some really nice work here and hope you make more of these theme types anyways untill next time keep up the good work on sound and music

Make more of these themes



So I like this one you have a unique sound comming out and you make it work I like the piano in this it really makes it feel stronger and deeper in tone my only issue is that there was really no mixture of twists and turns or some nice build up of variety to it but there is a good vibe and that's what I really enjoyed here on this piece it is solid work and would love to hear much more sometime

Some more mixture and depth with some added variety maybe even some build up points


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