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Really nice find

So this was a nice find here some good starting too, this was a fast tempo based tune you have some good sound here, Here is an audio track that doesnt need much if anything at all because you did some solid work here, You never know what you will find in the audio portal, But when its stuff like this its always a pleasure to listen in even a few times and it takes a few times to listen to really enjoy the idea and concept, Great sound here you really have something here that you can polish onto and make even better, the idea of it is pretty good too and you really show some good sounds here

Here is an audio track that doesnt need much if anything at all because you did some solid work here


SzefRon responds:

I could've improved it a bit, if i got my new pc earlier.
The lag was real :\

I like it

So here was some nice sound and there was some nice "DRUMS" in there too with some really nice depth in the drums I think you could ad other variations of drums, but overall this was a nice little sound you have here, and hope you make more for us sometime soon.

I think you could ad other variations of drums


Very nice

So some really nice "SOUND-WORK" it has a nifty little ring here, hope you keep that going strong because this was some nice music here, Things can be random at times, but with this you really bring forward the key points that make something decent like this one, so nice start up here, and I do hope you make more like this it was a brilliant and fantastic piece here, This one was unique and groovy and thats how I will end this one, so afterall that said keep it real because I like how unique this one was, now make us more unique ones.

Make more of this beautifull sound.


Lemons responds:

Thanks :)

Nice vibe

This has a nice vibe here good quality and I will just say this now no changes need to be made here its quality stuff, A cool vibe here with this one and its always nice to find tracks like this sometimes they are just sitting in the portal waiting to be found, And I am glad I found it nad had a chance to review it, It was a pleasure to find this unique and different sound, you could really do more with this but for what it is its a nifty sound and good vibe, and im sure you can expand on this but its that vibe that keeps this kicking.

I will just say this now no changes need to be made here its quality stuff


DoctorNoSense responds:


Wow I love this

Wow this was some intense stuff and the "VOCALS" are very nice, this whole piece kind of reminded me of the old "NIGHTWISH" with the opera singer as lead I think her name was Tarja or something but i love nightwish and I love this one, A great track if you ask me this brings a little something different that not everyone can truly understand and you made it very clear The progression is very nice in this piece, your techniques are a Goldmine, You have a mystical piece here and its tracks like this that dont come around everyday and im blessed to be able to find a nice and mystical peice such as this one.

No changes on this one because it was a beautiful vocal piece and the music was just as good, make more of this soon, you have an instant fan here.


Some nice sound

So you have some nice sound work here, its a bit slow but maybe you can have a fade out maybe a drop or two maybe some build up aswell and bring it to a faster tempo just an idea to think about, other then that this was pretty good and a nice quality sound here.

maybe you can have a fade out maybe a drop or two maybe some build up aswell and bring it to a faster tempo just an idea to think about


Wow intense

wow this was really "INTENSE" this was some really intense sound you have here, I like the drops and the drums were awsome, I would suggest more drops and more build ups and push the drums even more, So right from the start this one had me interested as it does flow well, and not sure how I would improve on it as its a decent strat of the tune but now onto more of this., I must say it was nice comming and finding this piece it was something different and pleasent at the same time, you have some good sounds here and I encourage you to mix and make more great sounds you make this reviewer happy.

I like the drops and the drums were awsome, I would suggest more drops and more build ups and push the drums even more


This was nice

So you have some nice work here and this one has a nice and "UP-LIFTING" sound really just kick starts off well with a nice tempo I really liked this one, this was a really nice piece of music though, as for any improvment I think you could slow down the tempo and build it up too, anyways nice sound here.

as for any improvment I think you could slow down the tempo and build it up too


SpeTheof responds:

Thanks for the kind words bro, although that's a personal suggestion, not an improvement, it has to do with personal taste, I liked the tempo non variable and solid, but thanks for the review ^_^

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