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So nice "SIMPSONS" theme here it seemed like it was too slow and you should speed up the tempo a bit here on this one, and make it longer, you have a nice sound though and would love to see you make some changes on this, anyways great stuff here this was a good tune.

you have a nice sound though and would love to see you make some changes on this,



So you have a "UNIQUE" sound here with some very nifty changes and tempo changes even this was a nice piece, some faster build ups and faster tempos might be one direction for this piece too but I also like how you have it so keep up the amazing work anyways untill next time.

some faster build ups and faster tempos might be one direction for this piece


etK responds:

Thanks a lot for your constructive review!


So here you have another nice piece, with some really good "SOUND" I would love some kind of drop or fade then you can build it up just for some added mixture, you have some nice talent here and you bring some nice detail aboard so nice work indeed, hope to see more soon.

I would love some kind of drop or fade then you can build it up just for some added mixture


MRM3 responds:

Thank you so much!
I agree that if this could really use a fade/drop, and that would make it more complete.
I do also want to point out that this is by no means a completed track, and the main feature here was supposed to be the vocals. This was just supposed to be the beat.
Thank you again for the wonderful review!
And also sorry for having it take so long. I had the whole thing typed out, and then absently mindedly closed the tab... clearing it all.

Really nice

Now this was a "BEAUTIFUL" sound you have here suprised you didnt win anything on this one it was some really "SOLID" work and you have some great quality to this piece, would love to hear a longer version even, but anyways keep making great tunes they are pretty nice stuff.

would love to hear a longer version



Really intense sound here I am loving how the tempo changes up in this so you really mixed this one up, No changes here its solid work, An awsome piece here you really showed some good effort on this art piece, you bring out all the detail in one swoop, a very nice piece here, there was lots of stuff that I have enjoyed about this, Indeed this is a nice audio piece, and its never easy to review audio to well but here was one of those tracks that really made me enjoy reviewing it, and you bring some good quality to the table.

No changes here its solid work


blackhole666 responds:

Thanks for you review!

Nice drums here

Alright so this one was nice and had some really nice "DRUMS" you have some good quality here too but I have to say at "FOURTEEN" seconds this could be longer and more drums added, thats my take on this, the quality is good and would love to hear more on this.

I have to say at 14 seconds this could be longer and more drums added


Wow very nice

So this one here was really nice, you have some good "SOUND" here this is another one of your pieces that does not need any changes what so ever so keep at it, A nice tune here and was something different not what you hear every day and just has this groovy theme going so for that alone I have enjoyed this I enjoy the Passionate and even Razor-Sharp vibe So we may get more deep into this but before I do go, I just want to say there was a real positive vibe surrounding this, Its Excellently done with some good quality, and thats a plus all the way around.

this is another one of your pieces that does not need any changes what so ever so keep at it


Nice remix

So this was a nice "REMIX" of sound here the "SIMPSONS" are always something with lots of audio to chose from you created a nice little mix here though, The mix is good so no changes on this you have a nice element though so keep making more sound mixes.

The mix is good so no changes on this


Really nice

So I found the "GUITAR" on this piece to really be nice stuff here, I think some of the vocals I hear in the middle are ok but the guitar is what really drives me if you ask me, so more of that beautiful guitar and more variations of it, you play some nice guitar.

I think some of the vocals I hear in the middle are ok but the guitar is what really drives me if you ask me


skitzmusic responds:

Thankyou very much for the review!

I really find when I'm in the right mood my guitar riffs work out nicely so I agree but wasn't sure so cheers to that. And when I'm feeling weak it sounds just as so.

So I know this guitar I have next to me speaks well... It's a good guitar and seen alot.

I'll be uploading another guitar piece soon when my 4 upload cap ticks over.


EDIT: It's up, if you want to listen!

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