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Very nice sound

This was a "BEAUTIFUL" I do think this could be longer and more tempo changes in the piano, These types of tracks really jump out at me and bring a unique and stylish sound to the table and was glad to have found this one, nice work all the way around with a style and flavor of your own, very nice effort and even some nice energy, So before I dwell into this piece a little more I would like to say these types are unique and deifferant and thats what I really like about them.

I do think this could be longer and more tempo changes in the piano


DelitescentAria responds:

Thank you I appreciate the suggestions :)

Nice story here

These are pretty interesting on how its "PRESENTED" its a nice piece of work here very "WELLDONE" and you have presented this in great fashion, I really enjoyed this piece and do look forward to more of these I love the depth you give these and put into them, so nice work.

Very good Story element here, You should make more to this.


A Unique story

So with this one it was nice to see a story theme going on especially on audio, you have presented some "DECENT-QUALITY" especially with the voice work here, So props to you for some good "STORY-TELLING" it was a pleasure to hear this and review it so nice work.

I like this and think you should make more.


Nice tunes

So you have some nice tunes here on this piece it did seem repetitive alot actually maybe you can ad in some tempo changes and mixtures of other instraments but your rythem really works well on this and plays really well I especially like how this starts off so I would suggest more instraments more mixture and more tempo changes but that's what I took away from this beautiful sound of work

A few things mentioned just above


dude2312 responds:

Hey, man. Thank you so much for checking my songs. I really appreciate it. I was in a deadline for the Newgrounds' 2018 competition. I have been thinking about adding more stuff here and there but I kinda like the fact that I didn't get much time to work on it. Work under pressure, you know?

Once again, thank you so much for checking it out. Check out my newest song, I started a studio. Hit me up if you ever need something recorded or help mixing anything.

Nice and quirky

So this had a nice and quirky sound but that's what I really liked about all your instrament sounds seemed to come together very well and you have some nice twists in this to make it all sound with a unique element of sound so anyways keep up the great sounds work here but anyways make more stuff like this you really have some nice talent and you have showcased it well with this one

Make more of this beautiful sound here



Well I guess this one does have a nice sound with an adult like theme going on lol I do think it could be longer though and more specific sounds added related content of course but regardless this was some brilliant sound work here

Make this one longer


Pretty good

So this was pretty good stuff here I like the balance of different sounds and all the instraments seem to come together well on this piece you have a nice sound here I would suggest you make more like this I loved it from start to finish

Make more beautiful sound


TSRBand responds:

Thanks for listening! Happy you liked it :)


So this was some nice sound here you have some good rythem on this one and some really good instraments that work well together like the drums and guitar all came together we'll so keep doing what you do here it's great stuff

More mixture of the instraments would be nice


Nice beat

And this was a nice "BEAT" here there is some decent quality here I think this has some "POTENTIAL" to be even better, I would suggest making this longer, you have added your own twist on the simpsons theme and it was pretty amazing work so nice job on this one.

I would suggest making this longer


cjhgb4 responds:

Dear X,

After years spent in and out of rehab and prison, I've learned many valuable lessons. First--and above all, honor Him; It is only through His grace that we are saved. Amen. Second, love your family. They are the only ones that you can rely on through the most arduous trials and tribulations. Lastly, love yourself. The last one might be the hardest of them all. Imagine looking in the mirror, knowing all your flaws and failings, and accepting what you see with kindness and understanding. Go ahead, do it right now. Nothing is more important...

Good, X. Now that you've acknowledged your own special value, I want you to go love your family. Take them out, make them dinner... whatever it is, make them feel special and tell them how you feel. Finally, when your day of familial and self-love is over, I want you to kneel before your bedside and pray. Pray to our savior and ask him for His mercy. Pray that He forgives you for suggesting that this song is anything other than a perfect ass banging beat.


Nice tune

So here was a nice tune you have here, it was pretty nifty and does have that "SIMPSONS-THEME" some good rock style too would love it to be faster though, but besides that you have made a nice tune here with some nice quality sound, so keep up the good work as you have done here.

would love it to be faster though


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