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Very good

So this was a really nice flow of sound here you have a nice track even though it was a tad short I still think you gave it some nice rythem and really kept it progressively going with some excitement and I was not bored at all so very nice work now I would suggest one thing and that would be to make this longer but that's my. Take on things with this fine tune of yours some e really nice sound here

Make this longer a few bars longer



So this was some nice metal you have here I like the tune here onlything for me was that it was a tad too short would love a longer version because this is pretty solid very nice work though so nice job here on this one anyways keep it real

Make it longer


Very nice

So this was really nice I like the stylish sound you have pushed forward on this one you make some great sounds and the guitar I heard in there was really nice and has a good sound quality to it make more with the guitar here

More of the guitar would be nice


Very nice and very smooth

So this was very nice and some very smooth sounds here really has some good balance in the whole tune you have some good skills and this piece alone shows all that talent so keep up the good work and was I look forward to even more

None with this it's solid


Nice tune here

So this was a nice tune you have here I like how it progresses from strat to finish I do feel this could be longer and more with some added ambient in the background but overall this was pretty cool so anyways nice work on this one

Could be longer



A nice video game sound you have here it was a good energy within this aswell, there was some good "MIXTURE" in this track and was not short by any means you really pushed some energy into this, but anyways keep up the great work theres no need for any changes on this one.

No changes it was solid sound work here


colorsCrimsonTears responds:

That really means a lot!
And thanks for the review!

Really nice

So here was some nice sound work of yours a good "CREATION" if you ask me, some really nice detail and depth in this one, You have some good talents and this particular piece showcases that, you could have some fade out in this so you can build it right back up with the intense sound you have already, anyways great stuff here.

you could have some fade out in this so you can build it right back up with the intense sound you have already


Very nice

So this was some nice sound here, I love how this has a fast tempo on it, It has a good sound quality about it I would love some drops in this and build onto that great tempo you already have, but beyond that this was a nice detailed tune you have here anyways nice work.

I would love some drops in this and build onto that great tempo you already have


Great tune

So here was a great tune I really like the style of this one and was a good size lasting over three minutes bringing some good vocals and rythem along with it as for improvments not sure I thaught it was fine as is it's a nice sound and good tune so no changes at this time anyways I hope you make more great sounds such as this one here so untill next time keep making some awesome stuff as you have done so on this one

Really nice need for any changes you have a nice quality about this one



So another robotic sound clip here I guess the portal does need more of these types that's he the portal started off anyways but this one does need more depth to it if it was a tad longer might be even better then it is now

Some longer tones and more depth to it at least so it's about ten seconds long


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