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A really nice beat here

So this was nice and has some good rythem in it as for any changes or suggestions I think some added frops on this might be nice just a suggestion as it is now it is some solid work here, you have some really good sound and quality here on this one make more soon.

maybe some drops or fades


Nice track

So this was a nice track you have here I think adding some depth to this would be good it was a tad short and the guitar was nice and could have more sound work from the guitar itself but nice sound here anyways keep up the good work

More focus on the guitar and longer version here


Nice sound

So there was some nice sound coming out of the one it could be a tad longer though I like what you have and there's some decent quality just needed to be somewhat longer great video game theme though anyways nice job here

Make this one longer


Very nice

So here was some really nice sound I love how this builds up and for some reason this reminds me of some 80's techno vibe but other then that its some nice quality sound, I have no major changes here on this one for me personally this was some quality sound work and hope you make more sometime soon.

Cant say this needs any changes the sound quality was nice.


wax-jr responds:

thanks, this is one of my old projects, i'm gonna stop producing since i feel like i'm too old for this XD, i'm gonna upload a voice recording of the reasons why, and feel free to check out some of my other stuff, and feel free to use it as you wish...cheers, but be carefull witht ht eones that has third party samples

Love it

Wow so this was nice I really love the deep feeling you this one gives off and has a nice sound there was some either drums and or piano regardless of either it was a good sound, I think the onlything I would ad or take away here might be making it longer cause you have some really nice deep sound here.

Make this longer that deep sound is really nice.


Possibly responds:


Thanks for taking the time to review. Yeah, this is pretty old, so I could hopefully do better now, but who knows, think this was just a bit of a test track. Thanks!


So this was nice I like it for the simplistic sound you have going on there is tons of quality in there and a good vibe I do think that with some drops on this it would allow you to build a nice twist in the tune so its not just straight forward, anyways nice element here.

some drops for some added build up.



Well this was actually notbad, I like the rock theme here but seems there was not much mixture and varity on this and thats something you could really throw in the mix here and really give it that rock feel, but overall this was pretty cool stuff I thaught.

Some added mixture and tempo changes.


mistarogerz responds:

Thank you!

Very nice

So this was pretty good stuff I like the quality of it most of all I do think some deeper sounds could play a good direction with this deeper sounds and instraments, but beyond that you have an amazing track here very nice soundwork and I was pretty impressed from the start.

deeper sounds and instraments


I like it

So there was some decent piano in there with some added deep sound quality about it I think more focus on that piano would be really nice or maybe even a fade with the focus on the piano your piano is amazing work, and hope you make more submissions with the piano stuff.

More focus on the piano.


Nice Sound

Some nice sound you have in this one some really good kicking sound with some good quality about it with some drops that make it fun and build up on those mentioned drops Not sure what I would suggest to improve this was some solid work here I like it very much.

No changes here on this one.


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