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Really nice sound

So this was really nice sound and while it was kind of long it had a nice sci-fi feel about and that's what I really liked about this one some really solid work here you have some cool ideas and great sound and music talent

Some cool sound here nothing major to change


MorphingThruTime responds:

Thanks for rewiev.

Wow nice

Wow I have to say you really have a nice sound here and the wild and hard push here is really nice I was very impressed with this whole piece here, I even faved this one as it was some solid work here, so keep making great stuff like this one you have here.

No changes here it was a rel pleasure to hear some of your work.



So that was a nice guitar there seems like it could be a tad louder and have some tempo changes to really build it up, but overall I like the sound you bring to the table here so nice job indeed I really like what you do here so nice work and make more soon.

Some small tempo changes for more build up


Nice quality

You sure do make some nice quality of sound here just like your other one and some really solid sound this one had a really nice guitar in it that played through pretty well and I was overall impressed with it all and my only suggestion here is that you could make more to this with more focus of the guitar more domminant even anyways nice sound here

Much more of the guitar it was some beautiful sound


Cool stuff

So here was something really cool it was a nice theme you have going on here I like the flavor of this piece and was not short by any means very nice qaulity here but regardless keep making fun stuff like this one

Some more stuff like this would be nice no changes here



So this was kind of nice here and does have that gothem sound going you have some good ideas here and really made it feel a dark vibe well that's what I thaught anyways keep up the good work this was nice

Make more dark stuff here


Nice loop

So this was a nice loop you have here it seemed a bit low sounding volume wise not sure if that was the intent but it was a nice piano tune here maybe some mixture of piano would improve on this fine sound of yours here anyways great work here on this one.

maybe some mixture of piano would improve on this fine sound of yours even a tempo speed up at times just a suggestion


Very good sound here

You have some nice sound here some really good work indeed It has a slow tempo and is straight forward maybe some added drops and build it up it has some great quality about it though some really nice work infact so keep up the good work here very solid stuff

It has a slow tempo and is straight forward maybe some added drops and build it up it


Very Solid sound

So this was some nice and solid sound you have here I really like the work you do and you made this sound a bit sci-fi some really good quality in this I do wish this was a tad longer though you have some really good skills here and you have showcased that here.

No changes other then making it longer


This was cool

So this was pretty cool the lyrics are actually pretty good seems like the lyrics could be louder or the music itself softer but you do some amazing work and have presented some really nice work here and a great sound keep making music and keep gracing us with beaytiful lyrics

seems like the lyrics could be louder or the music itself softer


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