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This was cool

So this was some cool sound you have here some really nice vibe to it too I found it to be a very refreshing piece here with some great sound work here very nice indeed hope you make more like this one it's a nice sound tune

Nice tune no changes needed


Really nice sound

So this was a nice sound here I like this wish there was some vocals to go with this one it was some nice work here I love the deep depth you put into this one you are very talented and it shows so keep it going strong

Make more of this stuff



So this one was really nice I love all the drums and guitar but most of all I like the vocals on this it was some good quality so I really liked this one and hope you make more great stuff like this anyways keep it real

Some more work like this ok


Wow intense

I have to say this was some very intense sound here this is one piece I dont think I would suggest any changes as its solid work but if anything I may suggest ad some drops and really build up the tempo at varias points just an idea overall this was solid work, So I really liked this so a big Kudos on this creative piece and it shows you can be very creative with sounds that bring a sense of quality, because the quality is sharp and clear on the ears not to mention crisp sounds, So you have a very nice piece here, you really showed some good effort on this art piece, all the detail comes out all in one big swoop, so nice work there.

I dont think I would suggest any changes as its solid work but if anything I may suggest ad some drops and really build up the tempo at varias points just an idea


Wow nice

I have to say I have heard lots of loops in my 18 years on newgrounds and have to say this is by far one of my faves so really nice job here on this one a very good and cute sound you have here and really thrives off the quality you have here I was impressed with it all.

No changes as it was a beautiful tune.


Nice sound here

So this was some nice sound here it has a loud quality to it but is some nice work here I really like the quality aout this one and some nice detail here in the tune you have on this one and it does sound like the credits so nice job there no changes are needed here.

No changes needed it was a great piece


Really nice

So this was some really nice and solid stuff you have here you have some great element here and some nice vocals even though the vocals could have some smoothing out I still found this to be very good and high end quality you make some really good music and it shows so my advice is keep making great stuff as you always have I really like the work you bring to the table here

Smoother parts of the vocals you have a great voice and I love them overall



Well this was a decent piece here you have some amazing work and I really like the sound but this was by far too short you could ad more mixture and more variety to the mix just a suggestion anyways keep up the decent work

As suggested could be longer and more mixture


ninjabuttocks responds:

Thank you so much for the feedback! I have a lot of song ideas so stay tuned!


So this was a refreshing piece here it speaks comes of quality and you really bring the quality out in this I really love the style of sound here props to you for something different with quality about it anyways nice job

Some really nice work here so I have no suggestions for this piece I found it to be a refreshing piece



I say wow because this one blows me a way the guitar alone and the drum sound is nice too overall this was some beautiful work here and while I love it all more guitar would be my suggestion more focus of it and different variations of it

More variety of the guitar as well as more focus of the guitar


Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

Cheers mang. Glad you dig it!\m/ This one is part of my bands arsenal. Female singer, some Gojira slides and stuff - it has been varietized!! haha. Thanks again, totally glad you dig!

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