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Very nice

So this was pretty good and has some nice flow of sound I like the variety you mixed in this seems like it could be longer also the point of 1:25 and beyond with the piano was very nice you should use more of that piano throughout the wjole piece, anyways nice sound.

more piano and could be longer



So this was a nice sound here and I like the soft sound here with this one you have a nice sound here and it flowed well with some nice element here so a nice piece I kind of felt like it could be longer and maybe some tempo changes but besides that this was pretty cool work

some added tempo change maybe a longer version too


Really nice work

So this was pretty nice work here you have a nice build up seems like you could have started the build up sooner but overall I found this to be a nice tune here with some nice unique sound so props to you on a great work of art, and I look forward to even more from you once again great sound here.

Great sound here no chnages needed.



So this was some beautiful sound you really have some nice talent and you have shown it very well here with this one love the slow play of this but it gets very deep and has some nice quality about it, really beautiful work another fine piece that does not need much change at all.

No changes it was beautiful


Nice piano

So this was some nice piano here not too long but still a good size here that piano is pretty nice and a good flavour of sound it was a delightful and pleasent sound really nice work here on this one you did some nice work here on this track make more sometime soon.

Nice track no changes needed.


Awsome again

Once again you bring on some nice sound work here it just starts with a good kick and keeps getting better so really nice work here, I dont have any changes or suggestions for this piece it was a great sound piece, Some good work here on this one, There have been far too few tracks of this style. But it is a good track, And even sounds like a real song, Thats the style and sound that really makes me enjoy this types of track even more, So nice work on this one, I love how unique and different this one is compared to alot of stuff that comes through the portal, so nice energy you bring.

I dont have any changes or suggestions for this piece it was a great sound piece



So this was a nice vibe of sound here it has a good kick about it and love the quality and that brings out some nice energy into this aswell so really nice work here, I might suggest some bigger drops for more intense build up but overall I found this piece to be pretty good.

some added build up


Pleasent piece

This was a nice and pleasent piece of sound here with some really nice work here I love how it has some nice varity and mixture about it, aswell as also having some soothing sound effects here so this is one I wouldnt change you do some nice work here.

no changes it was a delightful and pleasent piece


TastyTeo responds:

thanks, although its a bit repetitive and needs a lot of work lol much love! <3 - check new account: SpeTheof

Very nice

So this was something nice has a nice flow of sound with some nice flair mixed in there even some comical style especially towards the end there but I did have some fun with this one as you have had some nice sound work here and I really enjoyed the type of quality here even if a little amusing but overall some nice style I would even suggest making this a tad longer for more of that great quality

Possibly a tab bit more longer


A great rythem

So this track here has a nice rythem about it some really cool sound and you pushed some extra sounds with this as well now I do of course feel like this could be much longer though it has some nice flair about it so make it longer

Make this longer


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