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Very nice so this was a nice tune here you have some cool sound the riffs are really nice and the quality is really good too the middle to later end of this tune really takes off with a unique sound I liked it all you should make more stuff like this for sure

Make more it's quality stuff like this that we need more of


Sherlock-Bones00 responds:

Well thank you!

Very nice

I really like the soft and slow tempo here and slowly builds up more you really have some good knowledge of how well to put this together I would love even more tempo build up in this you have some nice work indeed and I was pretty pleased with the whole outcome some nice sound

A beautiful sound great tempo build up no major changes but I did suggest an idea or two



So this was decent I like how this plays out pretty well with some really nice sound you bring a certain quality about it and make it work pretty good some nice talent here and you make it flourishing with quality so keep doing what you do

Some nice ideas here great quality of sound nice changes needed here


Very nice

So you have some nice sound here this starts off slow and builds up seems like you could have some faster tempo build ups but what you did have was some intense sound and I really liked it very nice flavour about it and was a pretty good size too so nice job here.

possbly some faster tempo build ups.


BlueNexus responds:

Noted. Thanks for the feedback!

Wow amazing

Wow this was amazing this is one that I insta faved because its just a beautiful song here really great flavour on this one and it does have that video game feel about but then you make it your own style aswell so really nice work, I love the quality and mixture you have in this

Nice mixture here no changes needed.


Beautiful tune

wow this was a beautiful toon love the soft feel here this was just a delightful piece I even made this one of my faves you have a nice sound and your talent shows well on this piece really nice work here love your sound here I hope you make more like this

No changes this was a beautiful sound


A unique sound

So you have a unique sound here and I will say this was some solid work if I do say so myself you bring some nice tempo here the onlything I would change on this fine piece might be to ad more to it and make it longer you do some amazing work and the sound really does jump out at you and has some good depth about it I really enjoyed this for the quality and unique design of this all so really nice job here so good job indeed

Some longer versions of this would be nice



Some solid work you have here I really love your approach at this tune and all of your tunes this was pretty good stuff and some nice quality some sort of unique design of sound about it no changes needed this was solid work here

No changes needed


Very good

So I like the lyrics in this one but I do have to say that guitar was really my fave stuff you pushed some nice lyrics too and made this a fun sound of works here I think you should do more of these with those lyrics types and such so nice job here

More of that guitar would be really nice


A nice track

So this was a nice track here some nice tones in this one and some really good flavor about this one I like the idea and direction of this piece too some real solid work here I love the sound here you are pretty amazing

Some nice sound no major changes


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