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Nice lyrics

So you have some nice lyrics here and some decent music to match up with it, really all worked well together to make up some nice sound here and a good track I was pretty impressed with your work here and look forward to much more of what you may grace us with

No major changes it was some nice work and sound.


cesound responds:

Mighty fine compliment, thank you! I will post new releases here on Newgrounds moving forward, I was unaware until recently of the wonderful community available here for artists like myself to share their work!

Until the next release, here is a library of almost 20 original releases my team ILP and I have done since 2015 as well as hundreds of remixes that have been submitted to us from all over the world!

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP0Dbae-KCc37Bw0wiYP4bXGYzkwCdVS7 or alternatively you can listen to and download the remixes here https://www.teamilp.com/#projects

Enjoy!! :)

Amazing work again

Well here was another fine piece by you not my most favourite but I have to say you have some beautiful guitar in this from about 00:30 and beyond you really play it beautiful I was not too fond of the start of this but regardless a nice track you have here.

more of that guitar would be awsome.


KrinnValKhristi responds:

Thank you for your honest review!

Really nice

So here was another nice sound of work you really know how to start off a new track and bring lots of quality into them, this is a straght forward piece but you also mix it up a bit and the tempo was nice with this so nice job indeed another insta favourite of mine here

No changes its a beautiful tune here some really nice soundwork you have here so once again no major changes on this one.


Wow some beautiful sound

I love how you started this one off too some really nice work I have insta faved this piece, and as for changes well you dont need any this was a great sound of work here, So the groovy feel this tune lets out I have enjoyed it for that reason alone, A nice tune here and was something different not what you hear everyday, You have a nice little tune here it was something different, The portal has alot of great sounds but you bring something different to the portal here and thats Something I really enjoyed about this one, so nice element you have bestowed on us here today.

as for changes well you dont need any this was a great sound of work here


KrinnValKhristi responds:

Thank you for your honest review! <3

Very nice

So this was some nice audio I love how this brings in some nice tempo build up really sharp and crisp sounding you have some nice work here, great sound ofcourse. Here is one track of sound that you wont need to change anything because you bring some solid work to the table here, So here was some good quality of a track, It has a killer vibe you got going on here It suprised me how much energy and time can really be put into these things, and this is what really Intrigued because its like a Jolt of energy all rolled into one tune, The quality was pretty intense and you bring some good stylish sounds, I like the vibe that you bring to the table on this one this was really something good. So Kudos to you on a nice piece.

Here is one track of sound that you wont need to change anything because you bring some solid work to the table here


This Demo is Nice

wow nice you really push some ideas into this one, love the passion, would still love if this was a tad longer though, This is a great piece for others to view if they ever wanted to hire some voices, These reels always promote our voice in these demos so adding different variations is always a plus of sounds, so props to you on a "DECENT-SUBMISSION" on some nice voice work here, I look forward to even more.

would still love if this was a tad longer though


This demo is Cool

You have a nice voice, seems like this one could be longer and more variation added, This voice track and I have to say you can really bring a different element in the voices, I really have come to enjoy these kinds of audio tracks it lets us see and hear the creative voices one can really "ESTABLISH" and you presented us with something unique here today so nice job.

seems like this one could be longer and more variation added


A nice reel

Really good voices here I do think this could be longer and maybe more varity added in there, Overall you have presented some decent voice work here and have made for a good demo reel, its stuff like this that "I-REALLY-COME-TO-ENJOY" and really like the creativity of it all, "THE-VOICES" the changing of the voices and whatnot, anyways really nice work you have presented here.

I do think this could be longer and maybe more varity added in there


Nice sound quality

I like the quality here the voices are pretty good actually, I think you did a fine job, You have a nice voice here, I hope to hear more of your sound work here and "MORE-MIXTURE" is always welcome, This sound work here or demo reel was pretty nice it has some "DECENT-QUALITY" to it aswell with some nifty sounds, so keep making more of these sound reels of your voice.

the voices are pretty good actually, I think you did a fine job


Finalrush responds:

Thank you It has been awhile since I have submitted anything. I suppose I will create another reel soon.

Really nice

So this is some really nice and deep sounds you have here, it has a very unique sound its soft starting and thene has the mixture of some deep sounds that make up its foundation of the whole piece giving it that different and unique sound, so nice work here on this one.

I didnt find the need for anything to be changes in the sound here it was a very nice quality and sound tune so no changes here.


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