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Nice work here starts off fast out the game and some intense sounds really build up its for sure the techno sound and theme here, You gave this one some charm It was a very compelling piece you have here in the portal


Another great mix here awsome sound it even started off with some dark and scary movie sound but overall this was some amazing music you have here, allthough there seemed to be something missing it was still a good start here and a solid tune


Some high impact sound here with this one also love the mix in this, So a decent start here to a decent tune it really feels differant then most tunes on here and thats what drew me to it especially the start of this so nice job there, You really push forward a mixture of changes and builds that make this unique, So as I get more into the review just keep up the quality So here you have had some nice effort on a quality piece and I hope to check out more of your work soon, Great quality nice sound great mix


Even though this was just a demo you really layed down some unique sounds and it really builds up as it progresses too, Alright so you have something good here the sound was differant and I like the unique-ness of it


A nice and dark sound here with that trance theme some really good beats you have here, love that deep and strong beat you got playing, There was some good sounds in this one overall this was pretty solid and decent sound


This one here actually has a nice beat and good rhtyem to it and love how that plays all the way through, undisputably a Nice tune you have here its these kinds of tunes that are not off the charts but still bring something unique to the table, The beat and rhythem is very nice on this tune, some nice sound here and thats what got my interest from the get go, the sound is razor sharp a very notable submission here, Great beats awsome rhythem on this track


Wow this has a groovy sound and I really like how you play it through with that groovy sound and it really just jumps with a unique element of sound, so awsome work on this lil track here


Well I have to say this was pretty good kind of reminds me of some 80s songs but this was pretty good stuff and some nice sounding elements


G2961 responds:

Thanks, X!

First off you have a good tube here pretty nice with the sound and has a really nice Catchy sound about it you bring on some nice quality too


Wow this was pretty nice I really like the catchy sound on this and right from the start its pretty good a good catchy sound too so nice job


~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

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