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Interesting So this was actually an interesting sound you have here there was a sort of distorted sound but I am thinking thats intended for what it is, and yes its a short loop but still has a unique sound this is something I could see in a flash animation maybe jungle related scene of some epic battle about to take place, but regardless some nice beats in this one once again


Cyberdevil responds:

Yeaah this one was different, not sure how I made it actually, wonder if it just glitched out somehow...

Thanks for the reviews!

The morning mist and it has some nice deep piano sound and seems to really play well I do feel like this one could use a drop of sorts and then a big climax build up, overall this was pretty nice anyways good job on this tune


Nice beats here Again some nice beats here A Fantastic piece here is an understatemeant for this flavourful sound here because as the beats play along they are really nice sounds and have a nice flow of sound just wish there was some added sound in on this one you have some good talents especially in music so really nice work and has always been a pleasure to review some of your work done here


Cyberdevil responds:

A Fantastic piece is high praise :D TY!

Cool Some more fun sound here and this one has a mix of sounds up and down but its so short you cant really hear it, but I bet if you slowed the beats down you could really focus in on each lil mix in this piece, I get a good smile because this sound is good in whatever it brings and for me that was nice work, but I found this to be an amazing sound piece and really hope you make an extended version someday


Cyberdevil responds:

Extended versions probably won't happen with these loops, gotta check out some of the new stuff, but appreciate all them reviews!

Some sci fi elements of sound here with a good sound/FX here its a great piece to use for some movies of sci-fi elements you have a good sense of the sound/FX but anyways this was pretty nice work and sound here


Wow I have to say as soon as this first started it was a solid tune and really just catchs the ears with a solid sound I like this one here and even added it on to my faves, anyways this was a good tune you have created here


Wow really nice with the sound on this i like the fast playing sound of the guitar and really comes out well and sone good quality too anyways nice sound


The guitar transitions are nice seems like the tune could use more if a mix up but do love the guitar sound you are creating here some nice work indeed


Oh nice guitar and piano some really nice sounds you gave here and some good vs mode too love the sound quality here good stuff


This was some beautiful sound and I believe I hear some guitar and it really plays so well a beautiful tune here, Now here we have a good tune something with a good solid and even unique sounding at times so its a great strat of a track there was some decent quality to it, There was a mix of instraments and its a beautiful blend and love you you mix this up, Overall was a nice listen So as I start more into the review just keep at it and dont stop, And once again some beautiful sound great music


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