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Great Voice demo

I like how you presented this one I do think making it longer and with more voice pieces it would be a plus, Nice sound work here with all that you have done here "I-LIKE-THE-IDEA-HERE" of what you are doing with the "DEMO-REEL", You have a nice voice here and like the somewhat change you put it through so in my aspect of things it is a nice sound work that you have presented here.

I do think making it longer and with more voice pieces it would be a plus


Really nice

So this was something different but I do have to say it really jumps out at you and you can bring some stylish sound here with a cool vibe some great back end sounds I think making more stuff like this would be a huge plus so really nice work this is for sure one piece that could be longer and such but regardless you have done some nice work indeed on here so keep up the good work

Could be longer but was pretty fantastic of an entry



So this was a nice tune here and for it being done on an appointment makes it even better some nice sound in this one so nice work I like the vibe about this one and hope to see more of this anyways keep up the good work

Make more this was some quality


Really nice

Wow this was nice it was long but there was some nice sound on this there's was some good quality to it too some unique sound here I like your style and direction on this you have some good talent so keep it up

Make more


Cool demo of voices

A nice demo here you have a good voice and really plays well into the character, no changes needed here, I like the different accents and different styles of one characters voice and you have presented some nice demo reel of some voice work, so when I see or hear your demo its a nice addition to the "AUDIO-PORTAL", theres lots of movies and games that could benifit from a "VOICE-DEMO" such as this one.

plays well into the character, no changes needed here


RLFHOG3 responds:

Wow, thanks a bunch!
I honestly haven't been on new grounds i a hecken long time and got a wild hair to get back on it today just to see what's going on and to see a comment on this from this year is just mind blowing to me.

Thanks so much for checking out this relatively ancient Demo Reel.

A good quality sound

Some nice voice here you should make more of these, I like the idea here of what you are doing with the demo reel, You have a "NICE-VOICE-HERE", I hope to hear more of your nifty "SOUND-WORK" here and more variaty is always welcome this was a nice element here of voice, so keep up the good work with the sound work here.

nice voice here you should make more of these


Wow nice

Not only does the title fit the sound but you have some nice flavour with this tune and it thrives from one another so really nice soundwork here on this one, you have some great talents and your soundwork really flows through with some good vibe, My advice is maybe this could be a tad longer but overall its a great tune.

Possbly a tad bit longer



Well notbad this was kind of cool had a dark element about it but was pretty nifty and I like it some great sound here I think even more mixture would be a plus so nice job I look forward to even more from you soon

More added mixture would be nice


This was cute

So I have to say this was a cute little track you have here more like a loop then anything else but I do have to say it was a solid sound and could see it becoming longer but overall it was a cute piece anyways nice job

Could be longer


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