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Wow nice

Now this was some of your better stuff even as short it has a really nice beat and nice rythem to go with, this is one of those pieces you could really advance on with even more longer moments and added mix of sounds, the tune is really good with some nice quality and just great sound so nice work indeed.

As mentioned


Cyberdevil responds:

Glad you liked it!


I dont know what this is but it was pretty good is it your own voice? it was pretty straight forward for most of the tune then about 0:35 has a nice little build up could have had that build up earlier or multiple build ups just an idea overall I found this little tune to be pretty solid and entertaining in a way, but anyways keep up the good tracks.

As suggested above


Cyberdevil responds:

Yeah it's my voice. All of these with a voice generally are JSYK. :) Has evolved a little since.

Thanks for the review!


Well first off I want to say that this was notbad there is some nice little beats in this one and while it is short it has a bit of depth with it now just imagine having a longer loop of sorts with more build ups but thats just me I really like the style and sound that you have presented here with this little tune and hope to hear more of your fine work sometime soon.

None needed here


Cyberdevil responds:

Thanks. Looking forward to more fine reviews too then!

Nice lyrics

Now this is some nice work I do wish this was a tad longer and had more lyrics but does have a nice vibe about it some good rythem and you bring your own sense of flavour with this but the lyrics seems to really jump out anyways keep up the amazing tracks as you always seem to make so nice tune here.



Cyberdevil responds:

Glad you liked it, length-wise a little quick albeit it be :)

This was cool

I really like all the different stuff you have made here on the site allthough wish more of it was longer and more depth but they all work out and could be used in some sort of flash stuff, this one a little longer then most but has a nice sound and good vibe behind it, but once again nice sound you have created here I really have come to enjoy your works keep it up.

None needed at this time.


Cyberdevil responds:

A lot of these old ones especially were pretty short, though no longer instrumental you should check out some of the new sometimes. ;) Though maybe you're working your way through all these chronologically?

Nice beat

Well you really have a nice beat here and has some good flavour not exactly sure whats being said here but has nice rythem and was a tad short but was a nice sound and some good quality about it you have some good talents and like that you did something different, but anyways keep making some nice sound work with your tracks you seem to like make lots of them.



Cyberdevil responds:

Will do!

Very nice

Now this was something different even it being twenty seconds it has a good beat a nice slow beat too, seems like if it was longer you could really advance on that beat and rythem but overall you have some nice sounds here and this was a nice music theme that could be off the top but anyways keep making great sounds and music as you have done here anyways untill next time.

As suggested


Cyberdevil responds:

Until then! Thanks for the feedback.

A good sound F/X

I found this ten second sound to be good as a sound FX probably comes in handy for flash animations and such, as for a music theme not so sure, but do love your music theme types as this is a pretty unique sound anyways keep up the good sound works.



Cyberdevil responds:

For sure, Flash was the format for shizzle like this.

Nice beat here

You really have a nice beat here and really have a dark element about it kind of sad it was so short but then again you did say it was a short loop, some added depth and twists and turns could make this into an intense song and whatnot, but honestly as a loop its some pretty good stuff with a nice beat almost feels like a beat while under dark clouds and rain scene, anyways nice work.

None at this time


Cyberdevil responds:

Thanks man


So with this one it was a bit slow but maybe it was more of a test on your part seems like so much more could be added to this one as it does have some nice sounds and while it was short still brings on some unique twists i think if it was a tad longer and sped up might be even better, but regardless this was pretty good of a sound piece you have created here so nice efforts.

As suggested


Cyberdevil responds:

A little slow as in a little dreamy maybe? ;)

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