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Cool sounds

Seems like you really put a lot of nice sounds into this and really mixed it up too and thats what i liked about this not very short either just a wild tune with a good mix so nice job.


Really nice

Now this was a nice tune i love how it does tend to build up but then could use more climax on those build ups overall a really nice tune here you showcase some nice talents and bring this tune a live so nice job indeed.



I like it. It has a unique style of sound and since its on a game really makes it even more unique you have a nice vibe its not very long but fits well but besides that its a nice little tune here.



A nice tune here and some good quality about it with some nice flavour about it. Has a good build up too and flows along very good so on that note good tune very nice indeed


Cool stuff

You made some good stuff here not just anything but you bring a nice sound some good vibes and some nice flavour with your own twists and turns not too hard but not soft either

This was a good tune not a short one either everything seems to synk right into the next tune element and you really know how to put it all together so for that alone i am pretty impressed with this piece and hope to check out even more.



This was pretty good i like the vibe you bring on this little track and while it was very short it was not bad at all i could see you even adding some longer themes in there but for the most part this was pretty solid stuff so keep it up i hope to listen to more of your sounds and vibes in the future.


A nice beat here

Not sure if this was for a sound F/X or a starting tune, but besides all that this was actually a nice little beat you have here and was pretty impressed with it you really make a lot of sounds and music I do wish these were a tad longer but it does have a nice little kick to it so nice job on this little piece here keep up the fantastic sounds of music.


Cyberdevil responds:

A loop. :) Simple beat. Though it does seem more like an intro I agree.

I like it

I have to say I do like this one and if you could get some vocals behind this one would be a real plus the rythem is just right good quality sound and a nice vibe so with some added vocals you could really have something here, but anyways keep up the amazing sound work as always and keep it strong.

None needed


Cyberdevil responds:

Will do, thank you!


Oh dang you really did something good here and I really like the mixture on this with different variation and seems you have a lot of good mix in this and gives one a chance to hear the voice even more the backround music was pretty fitting for all these pieces anyways nice work.



Cyberdevil responds:

Thanks man. :) Looking back at this now I'm pretty proud of how well I managed this, even if the vocals aren't perfect I had a pretty good recording level and clarity from the start, and all custom instrumentals made for it... need to step my game up again!

Glad you found your way to... what I might still consider one of my better earlier works. ;) And thanks for the abundance of good reviews recently!


Well the beat is nice and has a fast paced element works good for a nice sound/FX for some flash but if advanced on could make for some nice song or tune especially if you had added some vocals behind this, but regardless its another tune in the books for you so nice job.

As suggested


Cyberdevil responds:

Thank ya!

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