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Very nice

I love the video game style and sound you gave this one The introduction to this is very defined my rummaging in this particular portal came up with some compelling finds such as some good keen track here so nice work here, Make more of these video game styles.


Wow nice

You do some awsome work I found this one more on the unique side with the almost voice sounds in there, The introduction to this is very Defined my Rummaging in this particular portal came up with some Compelling finds such as some good keen track here, so nice work here, Lots of filled energy in this track and I like it for a number of things some things I have already mentioned but its an amazing piece with great sound and some interesting twists along the middle I enjoyed it very much right from the start so nice effort indeed.

Good work here

A good work of sound on this one not loud either just plays along very well Lots of filled energy in this track and I like it for a number of things some things I have already mentioned but its an amazing piece with great sound, Keep up the good work.



You have some beautiful talent I am always a fan of piano stuff and you made it work I only wish this was longer it reminds me of a lost love from a winter place, but anyways nice work, You really push this style and give it a certain quality. I enjoyed this right from the start. Now lets see how the rest of this plays out, Great stuff Truly revolutionizeing! Very deep and powerful, Keep up the good work, but I say that and hope you really do grace us with more of your work,.

Not much more can be said that has not already you presented some nic work here and a unique sound that only you could bring forward and it was nice, Not just nice but it was unique and rare in my eyes Keep making beautiful stuff like this.


WouterPiano responds:

Thanks for your review! Good to hear you enjoyed it!


This was pretty unique sounding some nice slow push on it wouldnt mind more of a fast build up but you bring some good quality with this one, some interesting twists along the middle I enjoyed it very much right from the start so nice effort indeed.


bluelephan2 responds:

Okay--thank you!

Wow nice

You sure have pushed a good beat here with some deep sound and good flavour, You really push this style and give it a certain quality I enjoyed this right from the start, You have a good unique style and really bring it a live with this one so nice energy here.


Good vibe

You always have a way with music and really gave this that video game flavour good quality too, Great stuff Truly revolutionizeing! Very deep and powerful Keep up the good work, but I say that and hope you really do grace us with more of your work.



This has some nice sound you really did mix it up and fuesed some sounds really nice game type here, Not much more can be said that has not already you presented some nice work here and a unique sound that only you could bring forward and it was nice Not just nice but it was unique and rare in my eyes, nice job.


bluelephan2 responds:

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!


Some very beautiful work it really is like an intermission You know how to lay down the tunes here this was actually a pretty good piece with some smooth sounds that worked from start to finish and caught my attention, I enjoy reviewing and its always nice to review stuff like this one, you make some nice audio and its a pleasure to review something as good as this one, and maybe you will make even more for us sometime soon I would be honored to review that even, So I do hope you do dawn us with more creative styles of sound and music.


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