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Another fast beat but seemed to rythem from one sound to the next very well, I can see you advancing on this one even more, Could be a tad longer amybe an added mix in there of deeper beats and whatnot It has some good sound quality all throughout, and even though it was just seven seconds it was still nice, but very nice work done here today Hope you make even more.


Cyberdevil responds:

Ty ty! May not be doing loops these days but more music on route for sure. :)

Cool beat

Now this was another cool beat you seem to have lots of these really short elements but maybe thats how you wanted it, the sound quality is nice almost feel like if you made these longer and added some deeper mixes within them they would be even better, I like the style and sound you add in it just wish there was more, but other then that I did enjoy your work here today.


Cyberdevil responds:

Thanks for all them reviews man!


Another nice vibe and sound here, it was another quick and short one, But it is a nice beat seems like you could really mix some other stuff in this one you have some nice talents and would love to see you mix alot of those vibes and flavour because the beats are very good just feels like its missing even more, But regardless this was some nice work once again anyways nice job.


Cyberdevil responds:

Thank you!


So here was another nice flavour and good beat this was a more slower one, and like I mentioned in another review adding and mixing in other sounds instraments and just more jam in there, Maybe you are content with this one but seems like it could have more to it even I love the beat so dont get me wrong you have some nice talents for these types of beats and style so nice job.


Cyberdevil responds:

If I ever do revisit these I'll definitely have a bit more variation. :) TY!

Love it

As always you bring on some intense sound and bring some nice flavour too, Now this type of track is always interesting as it brings out some interesting mixes and sounds all together, so nice start up to this one, its stuff like this that really get me into this stuff and you have done that here today so awsome job indeed, and hope to hear much more work from you.


Very good

Now this has a nice beat about it you really made the beat jump out at you with this one, I love the loudness of this too, I do think mixing up the whole tune would be a plus though maybe drop all sound then really build it back up to the deep beats you do have so awsome job on this tune.


Very nice piano

very nice work done here today and for tomarow or the next day I hope you bring us even more fantastic pieces of sound and hope they are just as awsome as this one has been for me, The piano plays so well such quality on your end its a full element of beauty, And I really enjoyed your work here but will love to see what you come up with next anyways great work indeed.



Well this was notbad could be longer and maybe even a bit louder even, I hope you bring us even more fantastic pieces of sound and hope they are just as awsome as this one has been for me, but honestly this was some nice work here keep up the awsome work.


More good ones

And here you have some nice beats once again you have some really nice talents, some good quality about it and that beat has a nice flavour about it and thats what I liked about this little loop, you bring on some short loops but they are pretty nifty and I did enjoy it, But besides that this was spmething really good now ofcourse I do wish they were a tad longer but overall still pretty awsome stuff.


Cyberdevil responds:

Thank you!

Cool sound

These are some of the more unique drum and or beats has like an echo about it and thats what made it unique well for me anyways, Was pretty impressed with it as a whole just wish there was much more to it but the quality of sound is good and solid stuff, I do love that unique element of sound that comes from the beat, This is for sure one tune to have some vocals behind it somehow, But anyways nice work once again.


Cyberdevil responds:

Mmm some solid reverb in this one indeed, though sound quality back in the day... not the highest quality. Thanks again - vocals are all the focus now!

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