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Nice beat

You have some nice beats with this one even as short as it was this would work very well with some voice / Lyrics in front of it and you do them well just an idea to think about, I would suggest even adding in some deeper beats with the drums and all not just the same vibe but overall as a loop this was pretty solid work and I was pretty impressed with this one.


Cyberdevil responds:

Solid feedback; glad you liked it!

Some nice beats

You have some nice beats on this one, wish this was longer, Some nice effort here on this interesting track, And I tend to like these more then others for the unique and different sounds it brings, I really liked the beats would have been nice if it had soem more frames of sound.


Cyberdevil responds:

Dually noted!

A good loop

While it is a nice little loop kind of feel like it needs more depth, While not perfect it does bring its own style and creativity to the portal, and I can see you advancing on this one even more, Maybe adding in some added effects or instraments on the backround and some sort of build up even, but it was a nice piece here and enjoyed it for the loop style so nice work once again.


Cyberdevil responds:

Fair points, TY!


Now this was another fast and short clip but you have some nice drum play in this one, making it sound nice and some decent quality but still feel like there needs to be more in the backround, Or I guess it could be just a small sound/FX loop lol, No but really this was pretty good drum beat, and you play it fast so it was notbad at all, I liked it so keep at it.


Cyberdevil responds:

Appreciate it. :) Indeed all the 'Hop' ones are pretty much just percussion-based, not much else here.

This was different

I love that you added some lyrics behind it, I think a faster sound on the backround would be a plus, the unique and different sounds it brings is really nice regardless, While not perfect it does bring its own style and creativity to the portal and thats what jumps out at me, some nice lyrics though and hope you do more of that style there, anyways great stuff.


Cyberdevil responds:

Glad you liked it! Listening back to these now... it'd be fun to try something similar again. Not the conventional pace or structure, or definitive lyrics, just a structure like no other, wherever the mind wanders; whatever turns up... was fun to work on these.

More drums

So here was some more drum play but this one was a tad bit slower and that was ok, I hope you bring us even more fantastic pieces of sound and hope they are just as awsome as this one has been, I did like this and like this slow version rather then some speedy ones, I do think you could mix up speeds in this one and ad some fusion with different instraments added, but overall a nice sound.


Cyberdevil responds:

Appreciate the feedback!

Cool beat

So here was once again another nice beat you have here, nice effort here on this interesting track, And I tend to like these more then others only because of the nice beat you have created here, I do wish this was a tad longer though its some solid sound and you add some flavour but would love a longer tune here maybe some added lyrics as you have done, anyways nice work.


Cyberdevil responds:

For sure; thank you!


Well for one it has some nice beats and some deep beats at that with a good deep sound really makes for a nice loop, but at the same time I wouldnt mind if this was longer and more depper within the whole piece more climax as well, but you do have a nice twist on the beat making it a fun beat here and I really enjoyed your work here on this one so keep at it it was nice work.


This was intense

I most loved it from 00:28 ish to 00:48 ish sp,e really beautiful playing you had in this, the rest the start and end was really good too but you showcased a strong middle with some intense playing and sound and for me that was a real vibe on things, so for me this was a plus and a great theme of this vibe of a tune, So nice work indeed and hope you make even more.


Very fast

This was a very fast piece more of a loop but has a nice deep sound about it and you really made it deep with flavour, My opinion is to make this longer maybe some drops of loudness then let it build up too making it it with some added instraments but you have some nice vibes with this and showcase your skills very well and I was pretty pleased with it all so nice job.


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