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Pretty amazing

The piano on this was pretty amazing I love the rich sound this brings So I will for sure check out more of your work in the near future because I found this little gem of yours hidden in the audio portal and cant wait to find more hidden gems among your profile, but once again you do some amazing stuff with the piano and glad I could hear it so nice job indeed keep it going


LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Thank you for listening to so many of my pieces! It's not often that I get to hear people's thoughts on my older works anymore :3

Very cool

This has a nice sound something different and even cinimatic very good stuff here I liked it A few things jumped out at me on this one, but you do show some good quality and style about it all aswell as some nice effort So rummaging through the audio portal does pay off cause this little piece was awsome and compelling


Very fast

This was really nice and some very fast paced sound but that what got it kicking for me So lastly nice job here nice effort you really showed us something nifty in music and sound and thats what I was glad to review here you gave the audio portal some Charm on this day nice tune indeed


Nice beat

Some really nice beats you have here and its pretty fast paced I hope you make many more great days such as this one you have some nice talents, Some nice rythem and just love that fast pace on it all, you have a really solid tune here anyways nice sound.



This does have a nice and deep sadness about it, you make it really feel so awsome work there As I start out on this piece It already gives off a positive vibe and thats a plus as I do enjoy these kinds of tracks so this was well composed and why thats just a small summary but anyways, its deep pices like this that really jump out at me so awsome piece on this deep sound.



I found this tune to be slow but thats what I enjoyed about it and you have a nice unique build up wish some parts were faster but i still enjoyed it it was unique and different so keep doing what you do day in and day out And never let go of the creative ideas flowing around in your world, but besides all that you have really created something special here so awsome tune here


Nice Audio

This was a really fun uplifting track here love the mixture too Alright so here is something that finishes one way and ends another way but I like all that you have done here with the right touches in all the right areas making this an enjoyble piece that you have here, its the uplifting sound that really comes a live and had some fun with it so nice tune here.


Very nice

This was a really nice tune you have here I love the depth of this tune and like how fun it sounds and moves pretty quick too So for the most part this was kind of interesting the quality was better then expected really good work here You have a new fan here and will look for much more of your sound just like you presented here so nice work indeed very fun tune here.



Some nice piano here but based on your other works you play it very beautiful and this soft one really comes off well to be honest this was really good So my Summary is not much here but you have some Charm And you made that charm work well and made a smooth track here, Once again some beautiful piano here really enjoyed this piece and you seem to make it work so awsome work here


Wow nice

This was some beautiful piano and while it is a soft play I feel like it could have had a stronger build up then back down to the awsome piano its your style that keeps me comming back to the portal for stuff like this good Rhythm if I say so myself and a good vibe of sound and thats what I love about this piece, some nice piano you have here great skills and a great solo


LucidShadowDreamer responds:

I haven't heard this one for ages, to the point where I had almost forgotten about it! Thanks for reminding me it exists :'D

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