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This was something different, and I found it to be kind of unique here you have some nice sound on this and a mix of instrament sounds also what seemed like a banjo but overall nice sound, These kind of tracks always have a good touch and feel to them they are decent



A nice and fast tune you have here, kind of reminds me of the old sonic games on sega lol, has that fast paced feel about it Now let me dwell into this piece a little more because it was worth the extra words that I put in here for the mostpart this was notbad and very enjoyble you bring a very unique sound to the table


Dylnmatrix responds:

Thanks man! Always appreciate reading your reviews!

I am a big fan of Sonic games and find myself always subconsciously being inspired by the music, either with melodies or structure :)

Wow nice

So this was something very nice I really like the energy here and there seemed to be a good mix of different elements the bells are especially my favourite, I have to say is that i was pleased with what you came up with keep that kind of style up, anyways nice tune



Well once again you do some amazing work especially with the piano and so smooth each key comes alive, Great track you have going here, really jumps out at you with the style you got going on this its stuff like this that really keep me interested in these types you have some Razor-Sharp ideas that push it forward great piano stuff here.


LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Thanks! This piece was made for AIM, and I'm hoping to participate this month as well. I might make another piano piece :)


Wow I have to give this one the wow factor the piano was beautiful very powerfull too Well I hope to hear more of your work soon As I do bring this one to a close, you have impressed me with the unique style and ideas here in this, Once again nice piano work on this.



The guitar or drums at the start was very good wish you had been more domminant with that sound all across the tune, Nice track so I may have to do some Rummaging through your profile for more Notable tracks and tunes because if they are anything like this I will be honored, good music here



I like this and the title fits the sound on this you seem to have some nice talent too Now this was sort of different especially from what I normally listen too but then it really catches my interest in a different way of sorts, I like the energy you bring too.


BenTibbetts responds:

Thanks, Wayne!

Really nice

The beat and rythem are really jamming on this tune very deep sound too I had fun with this one it was good stuff its a pleasure to review this and stuff like this This review is near its end but its a nice piece you have here, love the vibe here.


Nice mix

This was a nice mix of different things going on, but seems to all come together in a beautiful piece and some solid sound here, so keep up the decent work and hope to find more gems among your tunes. for me this was a great gem found in a haystack


LucidShadowDreamer responds:

I definitely want to write more in this style in the future, but hopefully better!


I love the wild feel this gives off kind of reminds me something in a jungle of sorts An interesting start here on this audio track Now dont get me wrong I like what I am hearing here and while there can be a tad bit more done I was impressed with how this all started and as it progressed through the whole tune was just amazing


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