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Another nice track here this one has video game sound and really has some nice quality sound about it There are some things that really stand out here I and others have perceived this piece as some good sounds I like what I am hearing sofar, some parts of this are Immeasurable and I have never been that much for songs like this so I can't give it a full review but this was a Great song otherwise


Very nice

You have some nice sound here this one was not too crazy starts off easy and slowly builds up but the quality is there and sounds soothing, This has some Irresistible Appeal Well the titile says it all on this one and is fitting to the name sake So you have something here And I like what it represents, its something cool You have graced us with some nice work here and I hope you will grace us again with even more fine works, he quality is there and sounds soothing



So this was nice and soothing you have a really nice track here was that strings or piano regardless it sounds really nice, Alright so here is something that finishes one way and ends another way but I like all that you have done here with the right touches in all the right areas making this an enjoyble piece that you have here, I love how it plays through with some nice quality.


Some nice stuff

You have some nice stuff here and some good drum and bass This one really jumps out at you and for some reason this just kinda sticks with me so for that a lone I was impressed nice work overall on this one, it was really some amazing work and love the effort even So I will be back for more of your style soon, love the energy in this one



Well its different for sure and has a nice yet deep sound you really know how to push the elements of sounds but I really enjoyed this piece wish it had even more drops then some added build ups just because it has a unique style really jumps out at you with the style you got going on this its stuff like this that really keep me interested anyways nice job.


Love it

It has a catchy tune very refreshing Once again I find myself finding something different and unique in the portal and thats what I have here a decent piece with some nice little extras some nice rhythm at its finest Great track you have here you bring a lot to this piece especially some decent quality some very good effort all the way around and I was impressed with this whole piece



I love the effort you have put fourth here A good track you have here some good tid bits here, especially with the piano you start off slow and really pick up to give it a beautiful sound, I like this track for the mostpart I like it This was pretty good This is still disputably one of the best I have heard today or in awhile, great piano on this track here so awsome job.


Some nice rythem on this one

A very notable piece here This one caught my attention mainley because you can really lay down some tune I was impressed with this whole piece right from the start as it was intense and progressed very well, you always bring in some stronge tunes, I have here a decent piece with some nice little extras some nice rhythm at its finest Now here was a good track, its always a pleasure to review your work old and new


Good guitar

You have a nice slow theme here and with the guitar its really nice, I have to say these kinds of tracks really bring something different to the table it brings something good to the table so nice efforts here, you do some pretty good stuff here. Once again some beautiful guitar playing on this one, you are pretty talented especially in guitar and classic rock stuff.



A slow sound comming in on this but it has a nice and unique style it plays long and thats nice, this audio track Now dont get me wrong I like what I am hearing here and while there are some nice sounds I was impressed with how this all started, It has a unique vibe about it and you really bring on some cool tune sounds here and some nice and good quality about it too so nice track


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