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Nice beats

Nice beats and rythem on this one love the drum sound on this So as I am Rummaging thru the audio portal on this day I have seen some Razor-Sharp submissions with a keen sound So you bring an interesting style here, and some good vibes and you make good use of a unique style of sound I like it though nice work, love the drum sound on this


Like this

Love the low sound here and has a unique set of sounds that you mix in there, A good piece here it was a nifty track with a little extra added and that went along way in making this a pretty good piece of quality I like what you have done sofar, so keep that energy going anyways nice work sofar A nice piece that plays well from A to B and I really have enjoyed your work here today, its trance but still has a nice mix about it


A very unique demo track

So this was a very nice demo track you have created here, it was a unique one at that as the voice work is pretty good sounding some solid sounds comming from this track, you have some good skills and would love for you to really push it even more.


Wow nice

This was beautiful I love the lyrics on this and the voice quality behind the music playing was very well done Tracks like these that come around now and then are pretty rare because this brings alot to the table with lots to wonder in the mind and these are sometimes called mystical thats the vibe I got from this one Well thats my review, I know nothing too crazy or spectacular but I did want to say that it was a pleasure of some music or sound, great lyrics on this


Very nice

The start of this has a nice sci-fi sound about it, then trails off into the trance element but all works out well, Alright so thaught I would give this one a go the name looked interesting and so I must say that was a good decision as I have enjoyed this and the direction you have it going in there are tons you could do but I like what you have done sofar, You build it up with so much quality and shown us all the talents you bring to the table


Awsome piano

Love the piano on this and it plays with great quality all through the tune A few things jumped out at me on this one but you do show some good quality and style about it all aswell as some nice effort So rummaging through the audio portal does pay off cause this little piece was awsome, and compelling So lastly nice job here nice effort you really showed us something nifty in music and sound, great quality all through the tune


LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Thank you, and sorry for the late reply!


Some beautiful playing you play the keys like silk wine very beautiful indeed An interesting start here on this audio track Now dont get me wrong I like what I am hearing here and while there are some nice sounds I was impressed with how this all started and as it progressed through the whole tune was just amazing, So I will for sure check out more of your work in the near future, very beautiful indeed



Some nice soft start here but really builds up some good energy in the build up too Now this was sort of different especially from what I normally listen too but then it really catches my interest in a different way of sorts I had fun with this one it was good stuff its a pleasure to review this and stuff like this, This review is near its end but its a nice piece you have here, Love the energy in this



You always have some beautiful work especially with the piano some very nice talents here Great track you have going here really jumps out at you with the style you got going on this its stuff like this that really keep me interested in these types you have some Razor Sharp ideas that push it forward, Well I hope to hear more of your work soon, some very nice talents here



This was actually sounding like a pirate themed pice like on a pirate ship very nice playing and nice sounds, Its unique pieces like this that makes these kinds of tracks really nifty and different and thats what I gatherd from this one, Now let me dwell into this piece a little more because it was worth the extra words that I put in here for the mostpart this was notbad and very enjoyble you bring a very unique sound to the table, Nice pirate sounds here


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