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Nice mix here I like how this has some different mixture about it and has a high beat too really some nice sound here, you have a good tune here it was interesting, and its stuff like this that has that unique sound thats something different


Very nice

This was a very pleasent piece you have here the slowness of it builds up and the piano style i think thats what it was but has a nice style and quality of sound, You know how to lay down the tunes here this was actually a pretty good piece with some smooth sounds that worked from start to finish and caught my attention, I enjoy reviewing and its always nice to review stuff like this one you make some nice audio and its a pleasure to review something as good as this one, love the slow build up on this



So I like this one and has a soft start and builds up and that was nice, you have a decent piece but other then that this was actually notbad at all it was interesting in a few ways as I have enjoyed this tune, Love the build on this tune


Nice sound

so there are some nice sounds on this one and you really start it off slow but build it up and does have that old rock elements and I love that, Wow I must say this was a great piece you have done here you can really feel the vibes that get this started and I like all of its tune a great way to get something great going here, Some beuatiful sound of guitar etc? So there was some nice efforts here in this piece and while I dont wish to bore you any longer I will cut this review short but do know this was a beautiful tune


Good stuff

Some nice sound here I love the slow sound but jumps up as it plays through So some things stood out for me on this one It just jumps out at you alive you have everything here in this one sharp clear and good quality, Some nice instrament sounds and at good quality too you have a decent piece but other then that this was actually notbad at all it was interesting in a few ways as I have enjoyed this tune, Overall this was some nice sound


Very nice

Some more awsome beats on this one really some nice and deep beats towards the end too, keep up the good direction this was a great start and love those deeper beat really plays well into the whole track


Nice rythem

So this was some nice rythem and good sound starts of with a western feel then jumps into a nice mix Something of a unique taste here with this one it was a good tune and could use some extra tid bits here and there but maybe something just a tad more differant even random, let it flow into something even more creative And Im glad I had a chance to review this fine piece you have here, Good mixture on this one


Very nice

This has some very epic sounds and with the writing and visual in comments it plays a big role to the music and really drives with each note, Its always tunes like this I like they bring something differant and special to the portal and you did a pretty decent job with this one, Love the intnse build up on this and has it plays through made it pretty entertainment for all now ofcourse there could be some improvments but thats with every tune that comes through the portal, Awsome sound great quality here


Libby-Shimmz responds:

Thanks mate!

Yeah, the mixing could be a little better, I feel you.

Wow nice

This one too has a sort of asian mix about it just could be me feeling that, I for sure would love to listen to more of your work because you bring some solid dance and techo with some high energy so nice track here


Really nice vibe

This tune really has a nice vibe and sound and you have a good mixture in there Some good sound I have come across here on the Audio portal and its always a pleasure to have some new and nifty sounds such as this one you have presented here, I love the quality and crsp sound keep up the quality and keep up the good direction this was a great start to something even more great, A great mixture in this tune here


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