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Nice for some of your older work it's notbad at all and has some good quality it was the start of your quality mixes and it was a solid piece of sound here so for me I was pleased with this keep it up


Love this the fast paced sound is really good it's been awhile since you uploaded anything but have to say this was pretty good I love the energy you push on this particular one so nice sound once again


Nice stuff here there was some strange sound of mix in there almost distorted not sure if that was intended but you made it work and while this is a misc sound it was notbad at all, I have enjoyed this music entry it was some nice stuff


Nice so you dod some good work and you really know how to bring the beat alive here as this one has a solid sound about it, I like your style of energy here, And this does have a sort of dance feel about it, anyways nice music here


Nice work here on this one live the progression of this and it builds up pretty good, This one has a sort of video game sound and thats pretty cool, but for me I like the energy you bring it was some solid sound


Nice drum n bass here you can really feel the sound and the beat come alive even as old as this tune may be its some solid work and I have enjoyed it, I would love to see you mix a new version of this but anyways great sounds here


Beuatiful this was some beautiful sound the soothing sound of the guitar i think it was a guitar and piano i believe but very nice, Its always tunes like this I like they bring something differant and special to the portal and you did a pretty decent job with this one, Even the vocal voice that you mixed in there was great I think even more of that would be nice, made it pretty entertainment for all now ofcourse there could be some improvments but thats with every tune that comes through the portal, Besides all that you have some good talents and I have added this to my fave list


Very nice you seem to love this style you do lots of it some good quality and the techno is nice really good groove with this one, I thought this was a pretty good entry of a tune and love your style of flavour and energy so nice job


Nice energy you bring some nice energy especially how well this plays from one note to the next has some good vibes and energy and really enjoyed what you have showcased here, great talents indeed


Nice sounds here what instrament is that? you have some nice talents and make this tune work pretty well with a nice vibe of energy I really liked what you made here, keep making some awsome sound like this one


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