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Wow this was some nice piano you have here I like the depth and how you change it up but that piano is very nice work and you play very well, you have a good piece here some good tunes and once again a nice piece with quality and passion


Very nice work on this the first thing that I love about this is the unique sound you bring, Nice track here it was giving me some interest in all that you have applied to it and there was some good effort heard in this one So now ill leave you with just a few more words, And have to say the drops and the build ups are very good Think it could even use more of that, your sound is cool and nifty you have a nice mix and you gave it a uniqe touch, Overall a nice tune you have made here some good unique sounds


wr1ght responds:

thank you!

Nice one here some good sound some nice energy and that techno is pumping pretty good very nice energy and vibe on this one, I found it to be an interesting tune and would love to hear more, but for now keep up the amazing work


Very nice techno here and you really push the limmits here, I for sure want to check out more of your work soon because if they are anything like this its some nice stuff and this particular sound was fantastic so keep that going strong


A unique sound especially right at the start of this one and some deep beats there very solid sound, Fine detail I have heard in a long time very well done beautiful sound if you ask me really liked this piece here


Awsome work indeed that beat theme you always bring is intense and love how you mix it up even, so nice job on what you do have I wouldnt mind checking out more stuff soon, so awsome track here nice tune and those beats are stuck in my head now


wow nice you really make some nice beats and that rhythem jus pops off so well a great beat here of course, some nice vibe more then anything but I really do like this and you give it flavour so really nice talents on this one here


Some really good beats on this one, I love the deep sound and you make it flow with rhythem and that was a plus for me, This entry had a certain charm to it and thats what I think made me like this more, so please do keep making awsome beats like this one


Awsome piece here has a nice ring to it and seems to flow forward, A fun theme you have here this was pretty interesting and I found this to be unique and some good quality about it so for that good job, A big congrats on the front page well deserved, This entry had a certain charm to it and thats what I think made me like this more then anything but I really do like this, Awsome sound I really enjoyed this one


A very nice jam here and some awsome quality too, your sound is cool and nifty you have a nice mix and you gave it a uniqe touch, You push the depth of the sound and bring some good passion so awsome work indeed I look forward to even more


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