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A nice one here your music is always pretty nice but you always seem to bring something special so nice work and sound with this one here hope to check out more


Well you do some nice work and this has a good kick to it, So in the end this was a pretty good and a solid tune a nice tune here something I can listen to throughout the day or a stroll along the beach so nice tune I really liked it, Some beautiful music that was played here very fast paced too, It has a certain unique feel to it and thats why I like it keep up the good efforts this was some solid sound work, A fast paced sounds with a good kick here


Arevin responds:

Best 3 and a half star review I've gotten, thank you

Please reconsider the score.

This was a pleasent piece of sound here some really nice vibe and it was easy listening nothing crazy just a nice and refreshing sound you have made here


Well this was something different you have here i like the darker and deeper sound you have created here on this, but brings alot of something great and something amazing well for me anyways


Well here we are with another beat on this one a nice loop some nice beats in this one almost feel like it could skip a few tunes and bring that beat up again, I am not the best at reviewing music but have to say you really made this a fun one, but the sound quality on this one was good and I have enjoyed it


Cyberdevil responds:

Glad you enjoyed it!

wow so beautiful you have an amazing and beautiful voice, You presented a decent track here with some unique sounds and some decent quality In it all making for a decent track and I really came to enjoy it right from the start, I have added this as one of my faves here the music is nice but love that voice, So keep on doing what you got cause you have something good going keep up the interesting sounds and music, Once again amazing and fantastic music and voice


Some nice and interesting sounds you have made here some good vibrations, So in the end this was a pretty good and a solid tune a nice tune here something I can listen to throughout the day or a stroll along the beach so nice tune I really liked it, A good quality track of music you have made here, It has a certain unique feel to it and thats why I like it keep up the good efforts this was some solid sound work, Very nice work here some nice sounds and music


Wow this was really good and has this dark and scary aspect about it the slow build is very good and domminates the whole piece so some great quality on this one great stuff indeed, A piece with lots to love about it not only unique in design and the style you have formatted here but brings alot of something great and something amazing so for this day you did make an awsome piece, Some awsome tune of music here great quality, Ok so you have something good here nothing negitive here you still bring a nice tune here and glad I found this one, You are truly talented in the world of music


JamesHeart responds:

I wish I could find so many words in respons but feel a thank you might do alright

I wish I didnt only see mistakes in my works

I'll keep at it!

Big foot sounds nice here and really love the guitar play also has this eighties element about it, An awsome audio track here What else can I say that I have not already but you do have something interesting here its kinda neat the way this all cameout, I love that guitar really nice playthough you have some nice energy all throughout, Wouldnt mind some more into this but I will get into that This was Immeasurable talent here and you presented something pretty good, Some great guitar on this


This was nice and does have that strong dance or techno feel about it, But I must say that this was pretty good tune I was enjoying it there was no real negitive points except for a few basic stuff but overall a decent track here and so I end this here shortly, A good jam session too something I could jam too I would like to say you have outdone yourself in a unique way keep that up and keep making beautiful sounds Some nice dance tune here


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