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Now some of these loop types do sound simular but theres normally a deeper sound in some of them like this one here, Now this was some very nice audio with a unique blend of sounds, Thats always a plus in my book and really like what you did here, so untill next time keep making awsome sounds


Cyberdevil responds:

Will do, thank you!

This was a pleasent piece you have here very soothing, These always give me something to look forward too and listen too And I have to say these kinds of tracks really bring something different to the table, A nice and epic piece congrats on frontpage too, it is Immeasurable this was a beautiful piece you have here So everyday I look for stuff and enjoy all that the portal has to offer and while not to drag this review on anymore Very epic sound here a nice piece indeed


This was something fun here and has a very epic aspect of sound, This was nice the ideas seem to come a live with this one and while its something different it brings something good to the table so nice efforts here, You really bring in the quality of this one really like the quality of it too, you do some pretty good stuff here and hope you keep making stuff like this So pretty awsome stuff here, Awsome and epic sound


I think you had some great testing back in the day especially with some drums lol, you did have a groovy feel to this, But I especially like the drum sounds and they are kind of deep just wish this piece was longer of a track, But anyways nice work gope to check out more soon


Cyberdevil responds:

A lot of drum samples for sure, these days I actually play some real ones occasionally. :) TY TY!

Another short clip here of this fine beat here, Some nice work here with this audio track the beats are pretty nice though just wish these had more to them, Hope to see more audio pieces like this one soon or even longer versions haha anyways a nice little clip here of the beats


Cyberdevil responds:

Audio pieces like this may be a part of the past now, but there's longer stuff for sure. :D Thanks again!

Well even at 10 seconds this was notbad You bring some great energy and bring everything to the table but still wish this was a tad longer maybe take these beats and rhythems and make a nice song out of this, anyways you have some nice talents and sounds as always


Cyberdevil responds:

TY again! Appreciate the reviews man!

Beautiful song you have here slow but still very nice and along with some nice music play here, A piece with lots to love about it not only unique in design and the style you have formatted here


Some good beats here some nice vibe of energy you bring to the table here, A good track you have here some good tid bits here or there that make up for something decent, But most of all the nice beats


some nice sound you have here a good vibe and the sound is really nice love the quality and the tune itself was a pleasent one so nice job on this one keep it up


This was a beautiful piece here some good soothing sounds you have here I like the energy level of this really soothing sound on this one


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