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This here was nice you bring a unique sound here so nice effort there and it plays well seems like it could use some added build up but overall its pretty nice here, anyways keep up the good work


Nice energy Another track or loop of yours with some nice energy in this one, even as short as it is the build up is there, this particular one has a nice rythem and then towards the end you mix in downwards and that was cool, I think you could have made this longer with that same mix and sound, because the quality is good some nice sound you bring to the table on this one.


Cyberdevil responds:

Glad you liked it!

Cool vibe So this one was nice its a pretty straight forward beat and probably meant for more of some sound/FX type but this seems like one of those pieces that you could build it up or add in some rythem sound that would kick it up a notch for more of a tune, but for the mostpart this was pretty good and some nice sound here I like the beat of it all just wish it had more to it


Cyberdevil responds:

For longer stuff check the new stuff man. ;) Though seems you're on a mission to review all of these. Appreciate the rev!

Another great track here love the trance and also some techno I think lol, You bring some nice mix here with some good vibe about it all, Nice job here all around you had some good effort here and it starts off that way from the get go


For a trance piece it has some really nice high impact sound and runs fast but thats what I liked about it, A good track if you ask me it has some nice tid bits here and there that make up for a good track, so anyways nice stuff


Some nice sound Some good beats here you seem to like these types a bit but this was notbad has some nice sound and some good beat about it you push the beat just a tad but again seems like you could really push it even more maybe make is go silent then a full build up with the same beat and rythem or something, I like what you have here and is another great sound/FX sound anyways nice work


Cyberdevil responds:

Thanks man, these are all simple beats after all, but of course always room for improvement...

Nice work This was some nice work here I love the beat and how it has a deep range and keeps playing forward would have liked more deeper beats and maybe even some build up with a fast paced build up but again this was your content and your design of sound, So for me it is a nice beat and even reminds me some Sci-fi sounds in many of these animations in an epic scene anyways nice sound


Cyberdevil responds:

Thank you!

Now this one here really has some nice vibe and flavour and its a beautiful song on this very talented indeed, The introduction to this is very defined my searching in this particular portal came up with some compelling finds such as some good keen track here


Some really nice sound here very good vibe its slow but it really thives with that slow build, some awsome elements of sound here, and well presented in a fun fashion makes me enjoy this style that much more


Some nice lyrics here and with the heavy metal it reallys comes off pretty good, Here you have an interesting piece very refreshing and delightful with some unique style about it a nice tune of sounds here and it was a pleasure reviewing it, The lyrics are nice thougha nd love the mix with everything here, I would like to close offby saying it was a pleasure with this tune because you bring something unique, And once again some nice sounds love that metal and lyrics


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