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This was nice and something different has a more darker and deeper sounds but I really like this one, And so you have it a good piece of tune here from the portal with a nice sound So while I dont have the best words or perfect ones, I found this one pretty nice


Wow you play beautiful with this one the piano is so nice, Alright so as to not bore you any longer I will end this review but will say this was an interesting piece that caught my attention and really hope to hear more stuff like this You bring some nice talents with the piano here especially if its like this so keep up the decent work and efforts, A nice piano piece with great quality


Great track here this was pretty nice you know how to keep it real love this piece Its a pleasure to review this and stuff like this you have some nice talents


Different sound here and some mixture of things going on I think if some parts were slower then more build up it would be pretty nice the music shines you bring on some high impact sound


Well this was a nice piece you have here you really know how to lay down the tunes and you bring something different with the flavour of this tune nice job


Very nice indeed love this kind of reminds me a little bit of some mortal kombat in there, this piece is just so very good some solid sound you have some nice talents


some good vibe you bring into this and really love how this progresses along here some very nice style as it was very interesting and well done, And thats what I like about it


Now this one has some good depth about it you gave it a style and sound all of its own, So I had a fun time with this track it gave me a lot of elements and some interesting things that just made the experience fun and thats what its all about so nice job, Love how this starts off and finishes great quality and nice flavour, so a nice sound a nice beat and nice track here it was unique in its own style of sounds and you bring that out and make it that unique tune that I like, Awsome sound quality and nice progression


Kapuko responds:

Much appreciated! Techno, especially fast one in 90s style is really an acquired taste, used to call it "music of the robots" when I was a kid, hah. I always try to make new instruments, and new sounds, sadly, with this track, the sub-bass requires very good audio setup/speakers to be heard properly.

This one reminds me a bit of some industrial but you can really hear the drum n bass on this one, it was interesting and I really like this tune keep up the work and another track that I was honored to review


Some nice sounds as always its a pleasure to find some good sound like this in the portal and I for one have really enjoyed this piece


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