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A nice element of pixel

Such a beautiful scene here you have some nice colortones and the shadows and lighting effects really come through no changes are needed here, very artistic pixel, you have a real talent for some nifty pixel such as you have created here on this submission of art A nice element of pixel here you bring on some nice shine effects and show a sort of story with your pixel element here so very nice pixel creation.

some nice colortones and the shadows and lighting effects really come through no changes are needed here


Very colorful

So this was a nice and colorful piece love the gun set too, you have some really nice detail added within this nifty character here and dont think you need any changes at all its just right and a great character design here some nice work overall so nice job.

No changes as it was a fantastic character


Nice characre

So this was some really great work on the character here I really like the shine effects and shading ofcourse the backround has a very good use of color and even comes off with some artistic value here so some really nice character work here I look forward to even more from you.

No changes maybe some type of borders here.


Very nifty pixel design here

Another nice character you have some nice details in pixel here still would love a larger view screen to allow for more pixel detail and effects, A wonderful design with some nice pixel element you really have a talent for the pixel element some Very nifty pixel design here you have some nice ideas and great structure when it comes to some nifty pixel and I do hope you create even more like this.

still would love a larger view screen to allow for more pixel detail and effects



Well this was something cute here some nice characters and they seem to be on an adventure even you have some nice fresh art in this one and I have enjoyed it you really bring out some nice elements love all the details very nice work indeed make more soon.

no changes it was a nice art piece



And once again you have some nice work here love the colorful backrounds and some delightful expressions of staring from the characrters, almost feel like ther could be some animal in the backround staring too but that is neither here or there just an idea anyways nice work.

No major changes maybe an idea or two but this was fine as is.


Cool work on pixel

Wow the moon is beautiful would love even more lighting comming down from the moon onto the water but still fine as is, So sometimes its hard to tell if its pexel or sprite but this was an amazing piece, the pixel has this deep tone though and thats where I can tell the differance regardless you have an amazing piece here, and I really look forward to much more from you because you bring out some nice pixel styles and design.

would love even more lighting comming down from the moon onto the water but still fine as is



So this was notbad it was kind of nifty here with the idea of being locked inside of a room but it was cute and the art style was pretty nice, this is another of your pieces that doesnt need changes what so ever it was some solid work and a nifty visual.

this is another of your pieces that doesnt need changes what so ever


Some nice characters

And once again you create some nice characters here with some very nice shades and color and cant get any better then some time splitters too as this was a nice piece of work even your backround was decent you could do some more of these kinds of stylish pieces anyways nice work.

you could do some more of these kinds of stylish pieces


Very nice

They do look like some summer siblings I do think adding some summer backrounds on this palm trees a beach more sun light stuff like that but your characr work is amazing and this was really nice work here and hope you make more like this it was a fantastic design here.

I do think adding some summer backrounds on this palm trees a beach more sun light stuff like that but your characr work is amazing


MichaFrario responds:

Thank you for the ideas and nice comment :D

Their last name is Summers, that's the only reason really ha ha

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