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So this was an interesting character you have here the eyes would be cool with even more glow about them and the backround seems like it could be darker but thats just ones opinion your work here is pretty amazing very nice character design so keep up the good work.

As suggested above


ArindamDhar responds:

Thank you so much for the feedback. Glad you liked it. Will keep your suggestions in mind.


Really nice work and love the dark colors here and the glow surrounding the character is nice the black backround could have more element about it, Alright so really smooth artwork on the character stuff here its always a pleasure to see nice line work as you have done here and some really beautiful elements surrounding your character the little details are what really show off well on this I do like your sense of detail in this one.

the black backround could have more element about it



Wow this was really nice the blue crystal like color depth is really nice almost feeel like some added sparkles would make this even better but thats just an idea you have some nice work here and some really nice art piece and hope you do make even more.

some added sparkles



Some nice work here the old game systems you have here the backround was nice wouldnt mind more depth in the backround, I do want to say congrats on winning some awards for this fine piece of art here, very nice work here and congrats again keep up the amazing work.

wouldnt mind more depth in the backround


SomeTinyCritter responds:

Thank you! Backgrounds are one of my weakest areas in art so I'll keep practicing to get better for future pieces! ^^

A very sexy character

I love what you did with her outfit and leaving some to the imagination the horns seemed like they could use some sparkle and shine aswell as some backround details, An aluring and sexy character with such a great visual very sexy as you do show off some nice assets here lol A very sexy character indeed, not sure what else I can say that I have not already this was a beautiful design here and I was pleased with this and a fun experience.

the horns seemed like they could use some sparkle and shine aswell as some backround details


SoCarter responds:

Thanks for the feedback and glad you like it. ;^)

Ok cool

It kind of reminds me of the little mermaid girl charchter seems like if she had a smile it would be right on but I like it and maybe even some background detail on this would be cool

Some added background depth would be really nice


Wow nice

So this was nice I really like the style here I like the art vibe of things and this was a nice portrait here you could ad more depth to the background and maybe even ad some frames and or borders on this piece so keep up the good work

Adding borders and even some background depth would be a plus


This was cool

Well I will say this was rather cool I love the vibrant color use in this one the background could have had more about it but overall this was a really nice art piece you have here some very good style of color and art

Some added background would be nice on this piece


Well it was notbad

Well I have to say this was notbad has some nice paint style here on this one the shine shows off well you have some nice paint style and it seems to flow with vibrant color so really nice work here I like the work you do

Keep up the nice artwork as you have as this was some solid work


Very dark

So this was a nice dark and deep piece, I wouldnt mind making use of the black backing maybe something to accent the darkness more maybe myisty look or distance visuals, big Congrats on getting an award thats always a great award to have especially on your work its a nice addition to your profile but most of all it says that people have enjoyed your work anyways nice artwork.

I wouldnt mind making use of the black backing maybe something to accent the darkness more maybe myisty look or distance visuals


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