
17,993 Art Reviews

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Wow very beautiful

Wow this was some amazing work, Dont think I would change a thing its some very beautiful artwork, A front paged award option award is always nice to have and thats what you did here so congrats on the award from the site, but anyways keep up the amazing work.

Dont think I would change a thing its some very beautiful artwork


Very fresh

You have some very fresh art here the borders are think but simple maybe some added depth and design in the borders, Greatjob on the Front-paged award it was a pleasure seeing this win something like that and well deserving so thats a plus all the way around, so a big CONGRATS from this reviewer

the borders are think but simple maybe some added depth and design in the borders


Very nice

So this was really nice work, Its always a pleasure to see stuff like this win some sort of an award, So congrats on the Front paged award, just goes to show that you have done well on this piece, I wouldnt mind some kind of glowing effect on the tv screen but regardless this was awsome.

I wouldnt mind some kind of glowing effect on the tv screen


Wow really nice

so first of all a big congrats on getting Front-Paged not alot of people get that but its always nice when you do so awsome job and it shows that the staff of newgrounds is looking at peoples work, anyways nice job on that award, this art piece was really nice love the vibrant reds and oranges flaming as the backrounds, anyways nice job

no changes here


A nice office scene

So this was a nice scene here very quirky and cute character in an office scene love the detail of the backround and art detail so really nice work here, you have some really nice talents and this is just an example of it so really nice work hope you make more

no changes just make more


Nice group

So this was a nice group of character here love the different poses here too and the color seems to work well onlything I might change up here might be some added detail in the backround but overall this was pretty good stuff here so nice job indeed.

as mentioned some backround detail


JunjieOyan responds:

Ah, I got this description in my dA; it is now added

Really nice color

So you trying new color themes seem to really work well here on this one, the vibrant yet subtle color theme is still very nice would even love even more volor in there but for what it is, its a pretty nice element and detailed art piece there so nice job

even more color would be cool.


Really nice

And so here was a nice character you have here, I love the lighting on the characters hair, and with the backround seems like you could ad more lighting and shine effects on the character, but overall this was pretty good so nice job make more nifty characters soon.

with the backround seems like you could ad more lighting and shine effects on the character


Cute character

So this was a cute little character you have here the color is subtle but that seemed to work with the grey tone backround no major changes are needed here as this was a nice drawing and cute character so make more of these cute ones and more drawings.

no major changes are needed here as this was a nice drawing and cute character



So this was a cute little character here love the large eyes the backrounds could use some details maybe a colored design or even some nifty props, but anyways this was pretty good character design here, anyways keep up the good work this was a nifty design here

as mentioned above


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