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Nice drawing

So this was a nice drawing you have here, the sketch and or black and white theme is nice the characters are nice and wouldnt mind some added color on this or even just some colored frames to accent the black and white but besides that this was really nice

wouldnt mind some added color on this or even just some colored frames to accent the black and white


Really nice

So this was a really nice design here I especially love all the vibrant color in this one you have some nice ideas a great character design here too so nice job indeed, This here was a nice piece of work and seemed to come alive as I dwell deeper into the visual here, the deep stylish of it all really spoke volumes.

No changes here on this beautiful design


Very cool

So this was a cool piece of art here, wish the sword had more shine and sparkle about it, but regardless this was some nice looking character work, What more can I say that I have not mentioned already, it has a uniqie and interesting vibe of style about it and brings alot to the canvus. and it was a pleasure

wish the sword had more shine and sparkle about it, but regardless this was some nice looking character work


Nice character

A nice design here on this one, Big congrats on the awards won here thats always cool and makes it more popularity jump up and just is great for you and us so nice work there, the backround could use some design and element to it, maybe even some different shades of color and such.

Some added detail in the backround.


So a great entry, even won some awards and that was a plus especially with this type, just shows some good effort on your part and hope to see more like this soon, this was a nifty piece I especially love the backround with all the detailed faces so really nice work here.

make more great detailed pieces like this


Sony-Shock responds:

Noted! 'v'


Wow this was really red but you have some nice expression on this, great expression here I would even suggest some vibrant blue border that way the accent is more focused, Congrats on winning some awards, it was a nice gesture and shows that you really put the effort fourth, keep up with that type of effort A nice piece here with some nice talent showing off in the details aswell as some great effort all in the right places, nice work here all the way around. I like the Groove you added to this piece.

great expression here I would even suggest some vibrant blue border that way the accent is more focused



Well this was a cool art piece almost seems like there could be more blood and since the backround is bland more blood splatter back there, Keep up the great work and a huge hand to you on achieving some awards for this, that means it really caught the attention of the users So here I come to the end of the review, I had got a good experience from this, this was an awsome piece, I hope to see more stuff like this

seems like there could be more blood and since the backround is bland more blood splatter back there


Another cool b/w piece

A nice head design here seems a little bland in the backround the eyes are nice work and could use more to them like a glow of some sort, you could ad some slight subtle color to it but honestly you have enough detail it may not need any color, but besides that this was a nice drawing with some decent drawings and good shading details even, so nice work indeed, I look forward to more of these black and white ones.

a little bland in the backround the eyes are nice work and could use more to them like a glow of some sort


A cute couple here

Wow I have to say that this was a cute character couple love the borders and backround here seems like you need no edits or changes on this piece it was pretty good actually, I must say pieces like this really speak volumes and the details really show off well, and your ideas really seem to come alive in this piece.

seems like you need no edits or changes on this piece it was pretty good actually


Nice creation

Very deep expression here on this one love what you did with the eyes, I almost feel this could look visually scarier with a somewhat darker backround but anywyas nice job, love the effort and energy you have pushed forward on this piece, anyways nice design here it just comes out and jumps out at you, the black and white style is always fun to see and while I do like color this was a nice black and white design and creation you have here.

I almost feel this could look visually scarier with a somewhat darker backround but anywyas nice job


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