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Very nice

So here was a really nice character cute and adorble, lots of nice detail here on the character but does seem to lack some detail in the backround I would even suggest maybe some added sparkle on her glasses, Great job on winning some awards thats always a nice touch and shows that the fans, users and viewers really enjoyed it as I did so congrats on that You have the Desire and in my Extended portion of the review ill go more intodetail, So nice work and I hope you will make more stuff that comes out like this or somewhat simular

lots of nice detail here on the character but does seem to lack some detail in the backround I would even suggest maybe some added sparkle on her glasses


A nice black and white drawing detail

Wow this is an interesting creature something from the water and not sure I would eat it but is still a nifty design, you could think about adding some sort of borders here, I love the detail you have added in this drawing here some really nice black and white themed drawing here the lines are nice and you show off some nice idea here really to make this a great drawing here and that line work seems amazingly done so nice work

you could think about adding some sort of borders here


Interesting character

Well this was an interesting character here as for changes maybe it doesnt need any as it is a commission piece, I also want to take this time to give you a big congrats on the awards you won for this submission it's always a plus on that, so congrats, hope to see more awards come your way seems like there could have been more to this but it was pretty interesting and was a good overall piece of art, and i for sure look forward to more stuff like this.

as for changes maybe it doesnt need any as it is a commission piece


Nifty entry

Nice steps here and I like the black and white theme seems almost like there could be more shades and even shadows on the actual steps, I like the detail and it being a black and white sketch drawing is just that much better so no color needed at this moment, some parts I can see you adding some color but maybe for a later moment overall this was a pretty decent piece, very nice work indeed on this drawing design.

seems almost like there could be more shades and even shadows on the actual steps


Very cute

So this was a cute piece of art here, and you even won a nice and nifty award here so a big congrats on the award cant go wrong there, as for the flame seems like it could use for some more vibrant light up, it is fluid with talent and creation and thats always a big plus so while I end this review keep up the amazing work, you have shown some really nice detail here.

as for the flame seems like it could use for some more vibrant light up


Love the imagination

Wow this is beautiful and those borders really accent it well with a nice focus on the wolf now I may ad maybe have a more darker border element or depth but overall it was still nice, great sketch design here its filled with ideas and imagination, I have really enjoyed this because it does bring the imagination alive with the black and white touch of the sketch, very intense stuff actually, so nice work you have presented here, make more.

I may ad maybe have a more darker border element or depth but overall it was still nice


Another brilliant piece

I really liked this one its a light shaded black and white element you have some good talents and it shows here the backround does seem to need a little more element about it, Nice black and white design here, while adding a bit of color would be nice I found this piece just right, sometimes you dont need color and thats what you did here a nice detailed beautiful black and white with all the best of visuals here so nice work indeed.

the backround does seem to need a little more element about it


Nice group

So this is kind of like a nice colorful piece here with some beautiful use of color some nice group of charchters with some nice details so nice job indeed but anyways you do good work and hope you keep it up anyways untill next time

No changes just make more



So this was nice I like the body form and the shine on the character the green backround could be better maybe some design back there or something anyways nice job here

Some background detail or design would be nice


Really nice

So this was really nice I like the vibe of it all with some nice color and nice circular view but the white outter backing could use some detail to it anyways nice job I hope you do make more

The white background could have more detail


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