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Well this was pretty different here you have some nice ideas with this one and all the faces do seem different and such so nice job on this element I like the detail and effort on each one some really nice work I hope you make more

Nice detail here make more


Really nice

So this was cool and some really nice work here love the shine on the large knife wouldn't mind more sparkle on the blade but regardless this was pretty good here nice detail here though anyways keep at it looking good

More sparkle on the blade


Wow nice

So this was a nice art piece here she has a very nice front and it is shiny also love all the depth and detail especially with the cape and all you do some amazing work here keep at it it's a beautiful charchter here so nice job

No changes as it's a beautiful design


This B/W Theme is nice

Really nice character here love the flying details in the backround no major changes really needed here, detailed line work is amzing its always nice to see some good black and white drawings such as this one This B/W Theme is nice it has some very good visual here your line work is notbad at all and the sketch like drawing has some fine detail aswell.

no major changes really needed here


Nice characters

Some nice characters here and some nice use of color the backround was really dark could have been mich more vibrant as an idea ofcourse but do have to say that this was a nice piece of art here, so nice job indeed and hope you make more of these awsome createions.

make more


Nice sketch here

Well the backround was a tad bland but overall this was some nice linework, So here was a nice sketch you have created here and the black and white drawing or sketch was pretty good I like the idea of this and like the shading and even detail now I would love some color maybe just little tid bits of color even, but thats just an idea anyways nice drawing here.

Well the backround was a tad bland but overall this was some nice linework


another kind of world

These kinds of pieces are very artistic to me because it shows another world here lots of happenings and nice color here, I almost feel like this could be larger so you can show off more details here more world detail at that, Very simple yet very creative I absolutely love the colors and the softness of the colors, I want to say it's watercolor Pieces like these are good because it causes people to look at it and try and find a deeper meaning within the piece, Some do convey that message, others are just random works It all lies in the eye of the beholder.

I almost feel like this could be larger so you can show off more details here more world detail at that


Another decent one

So all these inktobers are pretty nice I guess it could be one of those things one runs out of ideas but I found it to be pretty fun, and I will have to contribute in "2019" but anyways love the the thin line I thaught another idea might be the bottom line but just an idea there, you have some nice art here even in black and white, love the specs in the backround too, I have no suggestions for changes or improvments on this one it was a fantastic piece.

No changes for this piece this time.


Cyberdevil responds:

Hah yeah, that'd definitely be an idea! :D If you're not planning to use it yourself I just might borrow it this year...? Do love wordplay like that. Thanks for the review again! Looking forward to see what you might be putting out too.

Great character

Great character here you have some really nice art detail I love the massive detail in this piece really some nice work here you have some very nice work here, no changes are needed on this piece of art here, A nifty art piece you have here, and as I end here soon I will mention this is not just nifty but has a nice element design behind it, And I really do want to see what else you can bring.

no changes are needed on this piece of art here


These are nice

So these are some nice pixel characters the backround could have more depth and or texture, maybe even adding some small shine on the pixel characters but anyways this was pretty good work here, And I do hope you make more like this soon, anyways good pixel here.

the backround could have more depth and or texture, maybe even adding some small shine on the pixel characters


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