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Very nice

So this was nice and I will say its kind of unique too homer and mickey anyways great design here I do wish you had a bit more in the backround, nice work indeed with this piece you have here. so nice work done here adding more to it would be great but as it is now its pretty good and honestly its very smooth looking

I do wish you had a bit more in the backround


This was cute

So this was a cute design here love the color theme you have going on some really nice fresh look too and the character is cute and adorble also I would say adding a border might accent it a tad bit more, I have to say This piece was alot better then I thought, But again this was a pretty good art piece has a somewhat artistic value to it and thats one of the reasons why I was drawn to this

I would say adding a border might accent it a tad bit more



So this was a cute piece kind of reminds me of the whole duck hunt dog very fresh use of color and simple I like it so no major changes are really needed, you have some good Insight on the art world so nice efforts here. A nice piece you have here and must have taken you some good amount of time to put it all together

I like it so no major changes are really needed


Great perspective

You have some amazing perspective and the lighting gives off the realsitic element wish the lighting was more dominant to see more details but overall it was nice, I like how this all came together, you have the skills here and it shows in this piece here, there are some things, I thought you could work on, but thats for later discussion.

wish the lighting was more dominant to see more details but overall it was nice


Wow nice

So you really have pushed the limits here and gave it that feel like he is really in motion with intense thats what I really liked about this one and there for no changes needed, lets get this one going and review some things here. I Applaud the progress you have made here. I even felt it was Symbolic in a way and Appropriately done aswell

a fantastic job no changes needed


Brilliant art piece here

love your lighting and color effects this is one piece that for sure does not need changes, I hope I have added some Polish here, And there it is a nice piece of art with some nice detail you certainly know what you are doing and you bring the talent aboard so nice job

this is one piece that for sure does not need changes


Wow thats nice

Some really good colortone too some nice texture and all it just all came together very well I like your style here almost feels like it could be a nice poster but regardless you have some good style of art here really nice detail anyways no changes needed here it was fantastic.

no changes needed


This was nice

So this was nice and some nice nifty animation, the line work was most impressive here with some nice detail here you have some good ideas and you showcase it well I was very impressed with all the flowing detail here so nice job here no changes needed here just keep up the great work.

no changes needed here


Nice grouped characters

A nice grouped character art here love what you did with the lighting and backround some well structured characters here really nice work indeed, some added shadow below there feet might be one idea, Anime is so popular right now. These characters are great because you can do so much with them The fun part is adding all the little details like costumes and hairstyles, You can get away with so much with this type of art It's no wonder people like it so much.

some added shadow below there feet might be one idea


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